Wanted: in UK, a few surplus CPLD's or FPGA's



Hi all,

I am a student, especially interested in learning about programmable
logic, but the prices asked are a bit much!

Does anyone have a few surplus they would sell cheap? I keep looking
on eBay, but I've not seen any yet. They would probably end up at some
ridiculous price anyway.

CPLD's, FPGA's, GAL's all gratefully accepted...

I don't mind what the parts are, I can learn to use whatever I can get
(provided I can make a programmer :) I have circuits for Altera
Byteblaster, Gal programmer, a programmer for fpga config eeproms
(thanks to Elektor) and a parallel port Xilinx jTag.

DIP or PLCC packages would be best, but I could probably manage some
fine pitch QFP if needed (my DIY PCB making stuff can just about
manage this!)

Thanks in advance,
In article <s74g30p4tk5ji33e0jtnvoqp2uv7uavtke@4ax.com>,
newsgroups@softhome.net says...
Hi all,

I am a student, especially interested in learning about programmable
logic, but the prices asked are a bit much!

Does anyone have a few surplus they would sell cheap? I keep looking
on eBay, but I've not seen any yet. They would probably end up at some
ridiculous price anyway.

CPLD's, FPGA's, GAL's all gratefully accepted...

I don't mind what the parts are, I can learn to use whatever I can get
(provided I can make a programmer :) I have circuits for Altera
Byteblaster, Gal programmer, a programmer for fpga config eeproms
(thanks to Elektor) and a parallel port Xilinx jTag.

DIP or PLCC packages would be best, but I could probably manage some
fine pitch QFP if needed (my DIY PCB making stuff can just about
manage this!)

Thanks in advance,

I've got a tube of fourteen Xilinx XC2018-70PC68C FPGAs in 68-pin PLCC.
If you're interested, send me an email...

--Gene Berkowitz

Erm, so you've not seen any on eBay eh.....?


....and that's just in the new today section. I know they're all in the
US, but most sellers on there will ship to the UK if you ask nicely, and
with the exchange rate what it is at the moment, they're dirt cheap.

Even new GAL16v8s are only like 0.90p new....?

Yours, Mark.

Eric wrote:

Hi all,

I am a student, especially interested in learning about programmable
logic, but the prices asked are a bit much!

Does anyone have a few surplus they would sell cheap? I keep looking
on eBay, but I've not seen any yet. They would probably end up at some
ridiculous price anyway.

CPLD's, FPGA's, GAL's all gratefully accepted...

I don't mind what the parts are, I can learn to use whatever I can get
(provided I can make a programmer :) I have circuits for Altera
Byteblaster, Gal programmer, a programmer for fpga config eeproms
(thanks to Elektor) and a parallel port Xilinx jTag.

DIP or PLCC packages would be best, but I could probably manage some
fine pitch QFP if needed (my DIY PCB making stuff can just about
manage this!)

Thanks in advance,
On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 19:43:35 +0000 (UTC), "Mark (UK)"
<jumbos.bazzar@btopenworld.com> wrote:


Erm, so you've not seen any on eBay eh.....?


...and that's just in the new today section. I know they're all in the
US, but most sellers on there will ship to the UK if you ask nicely, and
with the exchange rate what it is at the moment, they're dirt cheap.

Even new GAL16v8s are only like 0.90p new....?

Yours, Mark.

Eric wrote:

Hi all,

I am a student, especially interested in learning about programmable
logic, but the prices asked are a bit much!

Does anyone have a few surplus they would sell cheap? I keep looking
on eBay, but I've not seen any yet. They would probably end up at some
ridiculous price anyway.

CPLD's, FPGA's, GAL's all gratefully accepted...

I don't mind what the parts are, I can learn to use whatever I can get
(provided I can make a programmer :) I have circuits for Altera
Byteblaster, Gal programmer, a programmer for fpga config eeproms
(thanks to Elektor) and a parallel port Xilinx jTag.

DIP or PLCC packages would be best, but I could probably manage some
fine pitch QFP if needed (my DIY PCB making stuff can just about
manage this!)

Thanks in advance,

Erm, Hi.

Well, some of the links you gave are for microcontrollers, one is for
desoldered BGA's that need reballing (I'm just a student, remember!),
a couple of the are potentially useful but need an external programmer
that I can't afford (and I cannot find a programming algorithm to make
my own) and...

....one is useful to me, being jtag programmable. I have been watching
this for a while and am awaiting an email re delivery from the seller.
I have seen all these before (except the microcontrollers).

There may be another useful one, but I don't know about programming
for the 7032-VLC44 parts - external or in-circuit???

There are a few others on, even in the UK, but with similar
programming problems (apart from some GAL's I'm watching). I really
want to play with something a bit bigger than a 16v8 though.

Anyway, erm, thanks for your help.

forget those max7000 chips, you need an obsolete programer for them. Keep
looking on ebay, good stuff comes up every so often.
Eric <newsgroups@softhome.net> wrote:

Hi all,

I am a student, especially interested in learning about programmable
logic, but the prices asked are a bit much!

Does anyone have a few surplus they would sell cheap? I keep looking
on eBay, but I've not seen any yet. They would probably end up at some
ridiculous price anyway.

CPLD's, FPGA's, GAL's all gratefully accepted...

I don't mind what the parts are, I can learn to use whatever I can get
(provided I can make a programmer :) I have circuits for Altera
Byteblaster, Gal programmer, a programmer for fpga config eeproms
(thanks to Elektor) and a parallel port Xilinx jTag.

DIP or PLCC packages would be best, but I could probably manage some
fine pitch QFP if needed (my DIY PCB making stuff can just about
manage this!)
I may have some Atmel ATV or ATF750s to spare, if you do not require
huge complexity. I would prefer to donate them only if you are sure that
they will be of use to you.

How will you generate the programming (JEDEC or whatever) file?

How will you program your chips?

Please reply via email, unmangling the address shown.


------------Richard Dungan-------------
Radix Electronic Designs, Orpington, UK
Gene S. Berkowitz wrote:

In article <s74g30p4tk5ji33e0jtnvoqp2uv7uavtke@4ax.com>,
newsgroups@softhome.net says...
Hi all,

I am a student, especially interested in learning about programmable
logic, but the prices asked are a bit much!

Does anyone have a few surplus they would sell cheap? I keep looking
on eBay, but I've not seen any yet. They would probably end up at some
ridiculous price anyway.

CPLD's, FPGA's, GAL's all gratefully accepted...

I don't mind what the parts are, I can learn to use whatever I can get
(provided I can make a programmer :) I have circuits for Altera
Byteblaster, Gal programmer, a programmer for fpga config eeproms
(thanks to Elektor) and a parallel port Xilinx jTag.

DIP or PLCC packages would be best, but I could probably manage some
fine pitch QFP if needed (my DIY PCB making stuff can just about
manage this!)

Thanks in advance,

I've got a tube of fourteen Xilinx XC2018-70PC68C FPGAs in 68-pin PLCC.
If you're interested, send me an email...
I guess they are not supported by free xilinx software. I myself bought some
xilinx xc95144's for that they are supported by xilinx free webpack. But
the soldering is killing me. So they are basically still sitting on my

--Gene Berkowitz
you had better hurry up, your webpack wont work in 6 months time.
On 23 Feb 2004 01:10:58 GMT, cbarn24050@aol.com (CBarn24050) wrote:

forget those max7000 chips, you need an obsolete programer for them. Keep
looking on ebay, good stuff comes up every so often.

Yes, thanks for that, it confirms what I thought (Google is a
wonderful tool, but it doesn't always tell you what you want to hear)

There are some max7000S parts on eBay - I believe that the 'S' parts
are jtag programmable (unlike the 7000E), so I could use them even if
they are old, with a DIY jtag cable.

Am I right, do you know? If not, I need to learn to read datasheets
better :)

A couple of kind people have offered me some devices via email, one of
which I can make use of (thanks *very* much to him), the others seem
to need an external programmer that I can't afford.


??? Why, what's happening to it?? I use it for the XC95108 - have they
put a timebomb in it or something?

Yours, Mark.

CBarn24050 wrote:
> you had better hurry up, your webpack wont work in 6 months time.
I had the webpack, one day i went to use it, it said this software no longer
works because you have exceeded the 6 month evaluation period.

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