Wanted data book collection



We are developing a Verilog model for an "ancient" controller. It
contains a number of mystery IC's. We are looking at consulting or
buying a collection of databooks so that in the future this would be

Contrary to the myths out there, 90+% of databooks are not online.

Thank you!
wmvc <wmvc111@gmail.com> wrote:

We are developing a Verilog model for an "ancient" controller. It
contains a number of mystery IC's. We are looking at consulting or
buying a collection of databooks so that in the future this would be

Contrary to the myths out there, 90+% of databooks are not online.
I don't know about whole books, but the datasheet sites do have
a good number of datasheets for older ICs. I believe I even
found the 1103 DRAM on one. They don't get much older than that.

Otherwise, ask for specific parts and see what replies you get.

-- glen

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