Want to be a part of the Future? Virtual Worlds?? NO!!



VIRTUAL REALITY... I had placed an ad here a little bit ago and I gratefully
received greatfeedback, sceptical and faithful alike. Again I am testing the
proverbial'waters' for the right people with the right ambitions in life. I
ambuilding a virtual universe something akin to the internet before it
caughton. I am looking for a team of people that can assist in this venture.
Icannot be too specific because the world is itching to create the best
thatbeing Online can offer. I propose just that. I already have
financialbackers willing to fund an undisclosed amount of grant funds to
accompany me,my venture and a dedicated team to the newest concept, or the
exact conceptof Virtual Reality. I thank each and every one of you that have
already sentme an email. Unfortuately, I repetitively received a bunch of spam
emailfrom some pranksters that were just intelligent enough to make it this
farinto cyberspace. I welcome any and all interested, civil people to
respondto this with a little about yourself and what it is that you specialize
inthat could possibly contribute to this venture. I may or may not share
someof this information with you depending on two factors... 1. whether or not
Isee sincerity in you and your actions; and 2. If it is among the few thingsmy
backers have limited to me to reveal to you. I left the second factor tomy
benefactors because they are the people that will pay for any and allresearch
materials. I'm looking for anyone with expereience in VRML oranyexperience in
the Top 3D (virtual world and/or graphics) editors,electronics and/or
microelectronics engineering etc... I'm not looking for aresume, I definitely
know that even the best could possibly come from aperson that doesn't have
scholarly credentials or fifty years working in anyindustry. Prodigies are
more than welcome to state their reasons and skills.I am a fair man. If you
have it... I want it for OUR team. Please, don't bediscouraged or shy!! I am
not asking for a dime from any of you, just anemail. This will be the next era
in our technology and I am confident that Iknow how it will come about...
Thank you for your time and effort.KenContact me @:
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 23:37:15 +0100, KenjaSec1 wrote:

A load of unintelligible crap for the third time of reading.

Thassenuf - into the bozo filter y'go, fella.

Then there's duct tape ...
(Garrison Keillor)

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