Wanna make a LED flash. Should I use RadioShack Flasher LED



I want to make a very simple flashing LED for my car that runs off a few
1.5v batteries (or 9v if necessary). I've seen the RadioShack flashing LED
but I'm currious if the the flashing speed can be adjusted. Can it? If so,
how is this done.

If the speed is fixed and I gotta build my own circuit, what's the modern
day replacement for the LM3909? This looks like a nice and simple package
but I can't seem to find the LM3909 anymore.

Thanks for your help
NoMailPlease wrote:
I want to make a very simple flashing LED for my car that runs off a
few 1.5v batteries (or 9v if necessary). I've seen the RadioShack
flashing LED but I'm currious if the the flashing speed can be
adjusted. Can it? If so, how is this done.

If the speed is fixed and I gotta build my own circuit, what's the
modern day replacement for the LM3909? This looks like a nice and
simple package but I can't seem to find the LM3909 anymore.

Thanks for your help
All-in-one flashing leds are fixed frequency, though it may vary a bit with
supply voltages 9V-12V. There are 3-lead flasher chips around, M34-1 & M34-2
for example, but again they're fixed frequency (1Hz & 2Hz for those). For
variable, RS will sell you a 555 and a few passives.
email address is a black hole. Change cpemma to cpm.
Beautiful. The M34-1 looks like exactly what I want. This makes things so

Thanks for your help!

"cpemma" <cpemma@mexbro.co.uk> wrote in message
NoMailPlease wrote:
I want to make a very simple flashing LED for my car that runs off a
few 1.5v batteries (or 9v if necessary). I've seen the RadioShack
flashing LED but I'm currious if the the flashing speed can be
adjusted. Can it? If so, how is this done.

If the speed is fixed and I gotta build my own circuit, what's the
modern day replacement for the LM3909? This looks like a nice and
simple package but I can't seem to find the LM3909 anymore.

Thanks for your help

All-in-one flashing leds are fixed frequency, though it may vary a bit
supply voltages 9V-12V. There are 3-lead flasher chips around, M34-1 &
for example, but again they're fixed frequency (1Hz & 2Hz for those). For
variable, RS will sell you a 555 and a few passives.
email address is a black hole. Change cpemma to cpm.

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