Waiting for available license for Virtuoso(R) Spectre




one user on the system complains me that :

While running pss simulation , it shows ' Waiting for available
license for Virtuoso(R) Spectre'

This error is following a new install of MMSIM71- Linux with hotfix.

I am not really a cadence guy so can someone please help. I can
provide other details if required...

Can you add "+lqt 0" in your runSimulation (last argument pair before
input.scs). There is also a spectre.envOpts variable to change the
default from 900 to 0 so that you can change it for all of your users
in ADE. This should make your sims wait infinitely for a license to
come available. By the way, are you jobs FREEZING in any way? I have
an open SR with cadence regarding that, but I suspend jobs (I use
+lsuspend option).
On Apr 4, 9:06 am, Nicolas Perrier - PMC Sierra Inc
<nicolasperr...@gmail.com> wrote:
Can you add "+lqt 0" in your runSimulation (last argument pair before
input.scs).  There is also a spectre.envOpts variable to change the
default from 900 to 0 so that you can change it for all of your users
in ADE.  This should make your sims wait infinitely for a license to
come available.  By the way, are you jobs FREEZING in any way?  I have
an open SR with cadence regarding that, but I suspend jobs (I use
+lsuspend option).
Thanks for reply and I really appreciate it.

Actually this issue was resolved using a new lic file from cadence
which featured support for latest Virtuoso_xxxx version. License
service was restarted and there was no more this error for the user.


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