

Sandor Jager

I've bought a lot of XC2018 (yes I know, antic pieces),
but they were very-veyr cheap, I've had no heart not to
get them :)
I'm looking for its complete datasheet, but I wasn't
able to find it anywhere on the net...
Has somebody got some point where to get it from, or
maybe has a pdf ?...

Many thanx
Sandor Jager
Sandor, that data sheet is from 1986. It, and the design of the chip is
18 years old. By my analogy of 1 FPGA-year = 15 human years, these parts
have an age of 270 human years. I cannot imagine why anybody would start
a new design with them.
There were no pdf files in 1986. I know there are printed data sheets,
but I really want to talk you out of this project. Spartan and Virtex
are so much more rewarding...
Peter Alfke
Sandor Jager wrote:
I've bought a lot of XC2018 (yes I know, antic pieces),
but they were very-veyr cheap, I've had no heart not to
get them :)
I'm looking for its complete datasheet, but I wasn't
able to find it anywhere on the net...
Has somebody got some point where to get it from, or
maybe has a pdf ?...

Many thanx
Sandor Jager
In article <aEQCb.55682$dt3.19182@news.chello.at>,
Sandor Jager <sanyi@villamvadasz.hu> wrote:
I've bought a lot of XC2018 (yes I know, antic pieces),
but they were very-veyr cheap, I've had no heart not to
get them :)
I hope you mean $.25/each or less.

Use em for an art project, not a digital design.
Nicholas C. Weaver nweaver@cs.berkeley.edu

I am reminded of my British Literature class in high school,
where (for a project) I built a castle out of scrapped MMI
PAL's and a hot glue gun. I got a barrel of PALs for free.

I can't tell you how many times I stabbed my fingertips with
the DIP device pins while putting this together. Here's hoping
your XC2000's are PLCC or SOJ!!!


I hope you mean $.25/each or less.

Use em for an art project, not a digital design.
Nicholas C. Weaver
Hello Sandor,

have You already got the datasheet? I hava a double, paperback - weight
1.1Kg, XILINX - "The Programmable Logic Data Book 1994". Send me Your
address via eMail and I send You the double.
Don´t hassle about the antic pieces. We used those parts for evaluation on a
demo board, at days when those parts were the most recent product.
They worked very well, and besides all the advertising and advantages of new
product families: The principle of FPGA´s did not change since the xc2064.
No news, no big changes in technology - just big improvements in speed,
size, on chip memory, usability, software ...
But if You want to show the principle, You can´t afford the money for new
chips and You want something improved instead of PAL´s and standard logic
those parts are fine!!!

Three problems You should be really aware of:
2.) DO YOU HAVE a HARDLOCK (dongle) working with it ???
Up to date software does not support those parts, and You will have to work
schematic based in DOS environment.

Do not underestimate those problems, and if You still want the book - tell

with best regards,

Peter Seng

SENG digitale Systeme GmbH
Im Bruckwasen 35
D 73037 Göppingen
tel +7161-75245
fax +7161-72965
eMail p.seng@seng.de
net http://www.seng.de

"Sandor Jager" <sanyi@villamvadasz.hu> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I've bought a lot of XC2018 (yes I know, antic pieces),
but they were very-veyr cheap, I've had no heart not to
get them :)
I'm looking for its complete datasheet, but I wasn't
able to find it anywhere on the net...
Has somebody got some point where to get it from, or
maybe has a pdf ?...

Many thanx
Sandor Jager
Eric Crabill <eric.crabill@xilinx.com> wrote in message news:<3FDE4A33.B951D2B8@xilinx.com>...
I can't tell you how many times I stabbed my fingertips with
the DIP device pins while putting this together. Here's hoping
your XC2000's are PLCC or SOJ!!!

Yeah, for me that's the biggest advantage of surface mount parts, I
haven't had a 0.1" spaced row of puncture wounds for over 10 years!!
cheers, Syms.

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