vxl generate hiearchy



When doing a GEN FROM SOURCE, is it possible to force VXL to generate
all hierarchical blocks in my schematic(rather than flat devices)? I
know this is possible to do if I generate all the lower blocks first,
then generate the top level.
vtcad wrote, on 05/14/10 19:47:
When doing a GEN FROM SOURCE, is it possible to force VXL to generate
all hierarchical blocks in my schematic(rather than flat devices)? I
know this is possible to do if I generate all the lower blocks first,
then generate the top level.
In IC61X you can use the Configure Physical Hierarchy tool to allow you to be
able to create "soft blocks" for specified hierarchical blocks - and then do
things like pin optimization (either manual alignment or automated), and finally
when you decend into it you can do gen-from source and so on to place the
components in that level.

Some of this can also be done with the Preview floorplanning in IC5141.



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