Hey all,
I have been banging my head against this for quit some time and cant
seem to find a reasonable solution. I have a very large vector of
100bits (ex test_bench.my_vector[0:99]) and I need to deposit data to
it using VPI calls. I know I am limited to 32 bit access to this using
vpi_put_value with a vector_val. What I would love is to be able to
get handles to a sub set of the bits in the vector.
For example I would love to have a vpiHandle to
test_bench.my_vector[0:9] and another vpi_handle to
test_bench.my_vector[10:19] ... etc. I have seen only one way of do
this by passing the bits to my c routine in the $task but I dont wish
to impliment it that way. I know how I want to partition the bits,
and know the path to the vector .. there must be a way to get these
handles without having to set up call backs for all the large vectors
in the design I have been given. If anyone has any ideas I would
greatly appreciate it.
-- Paul
I have been banging my head against this for quit some time and cant
seem to find a reasonable solution. I have a very large vector of
100bits (ex test_bench.my_vector[0:99]) and I need to deposit data to
it using VPI calls. I know I am limited to 32 bit access to this using
vpi_put_value with a vector_val. What I would love is to be able to
get handles to a sub set of the bits in the vector.
For example I would love to have a vpiHandle to
test_bench.my_vector[0:9] and another vpi_handle to
test_bench.my_vector[10:19] ... etc. I have seen only one way of do
this by passing the bits to my c routine in the $task but I dont wish
to impliment it that way. I know how I want to partition the bits,
and know the path to the vector .. there must be a way to get these
handles without having to set up call backs for all the large vectors
in the design I have been given. If anyone has any ideas I would
greatly appreciate it.
-- Paul