Hi all,
I'm planning to make a 10 LED voltage/volume meter for my car. I'm planning
to tap the car speakers to acquire the voltage needed for this device. I
haven't measured the max voltage at the speaker but if it's not enough to
light up 10 LEDs. What's best way to raise voltage level in audio signal
(audio transformer or would a transistor work for this?)
So basically, I'm planning to rectify the current with a bridge diode, then
smoothen the output voltage with a cap, and then if needed raise the
voltage, then run it to the LEDs rail.
Here's what it would look like:
For 10 LEDs, I need 10V
Audio AC Audio DC
In o-------- |-----------------|
| | | CAP ---
rectifier|---|-- --- | | LED bar
bridge |---|-- --- | |
| | | ---
Out o-------- |-----------------|
I'm planning on making my own LED bar and it will be of the voltage divider
type. e.g.
+V Gnd
| |
| |
- |
| | R1 |
- |
| LED1 |
| |
- |
| | R2 |
- |
| LED2 |
| |
- |
| | R3 |
- |
| LED3 |
| |
- |
| | R4 |
- |
| |
| |
and so on up to 10 LEDs
What do you think? Would I need some kind of regulator after the cap just to
make sure the voltage doesn't jump above the max? Anything else that I
should be concerned with this type of circuit? Would it work?
I'm planning to make a 10 LED voltage/volume meter for my car. I'm planning
to tap the car speakers to acquire the voltage needed for this device. I
haven't measured the max voltage at the speaker but if it's not enough to
light up 10 LEDs. What's best way to raise voltage level in audio signal
(audio transformer or would a transistor work for this?)
So basically, I'm planning to rectify the current with a bridge diode, then
smoothen the output voltage with a cap, and then if needed raise the
voltage, then run it to the LEDs rail.
Here's what it would look like:
For 10 LEDs, I need 10V
Audio AC Audio DC
In o-------- |-----------------|
| | | CAP ---
rectifier|---|-- --- | | LED bar
bridge |---|-- --- | |
| | | ---
Out o-------- |-----------------|
I'm planning on making my own LED bar and it will be of the voltage divider
type. e.g.
+V Gnd
| |
| |
- |
| | R1 |
- |
| LED1 |
| |
- |
| | R2 |
- |
| LED2 |
| |
- |
| | R3 |
- |
| LED3 |
| |
- |
| | R4 |
- |
| |
| |
and so on up to 10 LEDs
What do you think? Would I need some kind of regulator after the cap just to
make sure the voltage doesn't jump above the max? Anything else that I
should be concerned with this type of circuit? Would it work?