Voltage Regulator : "Beta 1355" Domestic Hi-Fi help?


Sean Taylor

Hi all,

I have a small micro hi-fi unit (CD player, Radio and cassette), it's
a Venturer Micro CD System, Model No. CD6211.

This was the first gift I brought my now wife and has sentimental
value. It always had an annoying mains hum (50Hz here in the UK) and
I fixed this by upping the reservoir capacitor value on the PSU.
However, I thought I'd switched off the unit when I snipped the leads
of the capacitor, but I hadn't and I touched the +tive lead of the
cap. to a heat sink on the back of the voltage regulator.

I believe I've blown this regulator, but can't find an trace of it
with suppliers. It has what looks like the Greek symbol for Beta and
then four numbers "1355". Not sure of the package code, but looks

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(the hole is screw retaining hole)

Any ideas if this a just a 12V DC regulator and if so (or not!), what
are the leads and is the case at GND (Vin, Vout, GND ?)

Many thanks,


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