Glenn Pure
I'm working out the best solution for a voltage reference to be used
with an A/D converter in a PIC microcontroller.
I was thinking of using the 5 volt supply for the PIC (from a 7805)
but suspect it will drift over time (eg due to temperature variation)
and load. Does anyone have advice on this?
Ideally I want to measure to a resolution of 10 millivolts with
reasonable accuracy.
Glenn Pure
Canberra, Australia
Web page: http://www.evans-pure.net
with an A/D converter in a PIC microcontroller.
I was thinking of using the 5 volt supply for the PIC (from a 7805)
but suspect it will drift over time (eg due to temperature variation)
and load. Does anyone have advice on this?
Ideally I want to measure to a resolution of 10 millivolts with
reasonable accuracy.
Glenn Pure
Canberra, Australia
Web page: http://www.evans-pure.net