G'day to the group.
I'm trying to work out how to run my laptop from my car battery.
Here's the problem : The laptop needs 19V DC at about 4A.
Of course the car battery is only 12V so I need something to step up
the voltage, and it also needs to deliver a pretty hefty current.
I remember a while ago dealing with a voltage multiplier which could
double, quadruple etc a DC potential difference.
Does anybody know where to look for a circuit, and am I on the right
track with a voltage multiplier? Or is the requirement of 4A too much?
I guess I could also use a step-up transformer but the process of
converting to AC, then step-up, then rectifying to DC, then regulating
to 19V sounds a bit complicated.
I'm trying to work out how to run my laptop from my car battery.
Here's the problem : The laptop needs 19V DC at about 4A.
Of course the car battery is only 12V so I need something to step up
the voltage, and it also needs to deliver a pretty hefty current.
I remember a while ago dealing with a voltage multiplier which could
double, quadruple etc a DC potential difference.
Does anybody know where to look for a circuit, and am I on the right
track with a voltage multiplier? Or is the requirement of 4A too much?
I guess I could also use a step-up transformer but the process of
converting to AC, then step-up, then rectifying to DC, then regulating
to 19V sounds a bit complicated.