I'm playing with designing an IR tracking system using IR LED's flashed from
a 556. I want to run it off of a 9 v battery and was trying to calculate
the right resistor for high output but I can't find specs for output voltage
drop under load. I may just have to manually graph it out but by chance,
does anyone know what kind of voltage drop below Vcc I can expect out of a
555 or 556 at 100 - 150 mA max load?
a 556. I want to run it off of a 9 v battery and was trying to calculate
the right resistor for high output but I can't find specs for output voltage
drop under load. I may just have to manually graph it out but by chance,
does anyone know what kind of voltage drop below Vcc I can expect out of a
555 or 556 at 100 - 150 mA max load?