Voltage doubling?


Glenn Ashmore

I have a 1000 PSI pressure transducer that outputs a 0 - 5VDC signal. I
want to double the voltage to display the pressure on a cheapo LCD panel
meter that reads 0 - 20V. How can I change the signal so that it reads
correctly on the meter? i.e. 800PSI = 4V in = 8V out.

Glenn Ashmore

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"Glenn Ashmore" <gashmore@cox.net> wrote in message
I have a 1000 PSI pressure transducer that outputs a 0 - 5VDC
signal. I
want to double the voltage to display the pressure on a cheapo
LCD panel
meter that reads 0 - 20V. How can I change the signal so that
it reads
correctly on the meter? i.e. 800PSI = 4V in = 8V out.

Glenn Ashmore
Simple Operational Amplifier? Works for me!
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:59:04 -0500, "Glenn Ashmore" <gashmore@cox.net>

I have a 1000 PSI pressure transducer that outputs a 0 - 5VDC signal. I
want to double the voltage to display the pressure on a cheapo LCD panel
meter that reads 0 - 20V. How can I change the signal so that it reads
correctly on the meter? i.e. 800PSI = 4V in = 8V out.

| >---+--->0-10V
+--|-/ |
| |

R can be anything as long as they're both the same and the opamp can
supply the drive current. 100k would probably be fine, but I'd go
with 10k if I could. If you get an opamp with rail-to-rail inputs and
outputs you'll be able to use a single 12V supply, otherwise you'll
need a positive supply high enough to give the opamp the headroom it
needs to get the output to +10V and a negative supply low enough to
keep the output from bottoming out before the input gets to zero

John Fields
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:59:04 -0500, Glenn Ashmore wrote:

I have a 1000 PSI pressure transducer that outputs a 0 - 5VDC signal. I
want to double the voltage to display the pressure on a cheapo LCD panel
meter that reads 0 - 20V. How can I change the signal so that it reads
correctly on the meter? i.e. 800PSI = 4V in = 8V out.
Most cheapo panel meters I've seen actually have an input voltage of 0-.2
V, and you scale it with input resistors. For example, to display 0-2V,
you'd use an input divider of 900K/100K for an input of 1M, and a division
factor of 10. So, if you want it to display 10 when the input is 5, you
need to divide 5V down to 100 mV. That's assuming 200 mV full-scale.

If your panel meter really really really expects 20V at its input, you
have a whole nother project on your hands.

But seriously, look for input range jumpers or something of that nature.
It's probably as simple as selecting a resistor.

And the decimal point is usually as simple as grounding one tie point. :)

Good Luck!

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