voltage data logging with a windmill



if I wish to log the voltage produce during the last 24 hour, is the
winscope a good choice. is there other real cheap data logger to store the
voltage via a serial port of the IBM note book. 98 version.

00:01 min 5 volt


23:59 6 volt
"developer" <noemail@sina.com> wrote:
if I wish to log the voltage produce during the last 24 hour, is the
winscope a good choice. is there other real cheap data logger to store the
voltage via a serial port of the IBM note book. 98 version.
Hello Developer,

In case you ever buy a newer laptop that only offers USB ports you might
be able to use this kind of acquisition interface:


Regards, Joerg

If you live in a non-cheapskate state - for example,
other than Ohio - the state may have anemometers
and data loggers that you can borrow.

developer wrote:
if I wish to log the voltage produce during the last 24 hour, is the
winscope a good choice. is there other real cheap data logger to store the
voltage via a serial port of the IBM note book. 98 version.

00:01 min 5 volt


23:59 6 volt
<William P.N. Smith> wrote in message
"developer" <noemail@sina.com> wrote:
if I wish to log the voltage produce during the last 24 hour, is the
winscope a good choice. is there other real cheap data logger to store
voltage via a serial port of the IBM note book. 98 version.

Radio Shack used to have some as well. I used them a lot at work
specifically for logging lights being on and off. DOS program clunky by
today's standards but it printed well and we only saved the hard copies

We installed several thousand motion sensors based on these sensors and
saved about 30% on the lighting.

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