Voltage Converter Question 210 to 120 volts



I am sending a fax machine that the power specifications state that it
uses 5 watts in standby and maximum of 100 watts. I was looking at the
converters on the market and was confused as to which type I would need
for this device. There were 50 - 1600 watts devices and up to 50 watts
devices. As the watts used can go up to 100 on the fax depending on
what it is doing I assume that I need the 50 - 1600. I just want to
make sure that the 50 minimum would not affect the device.


...a fax machine that the power specifications state
...uses 5 watts in standby and maximum of 100 watts.
Rather than buying a transformer,
have you considered applying that money toward
buying a fax machine that works on the electrical service that you
Hilly wrote:
I am sending a fax machine that the power specifications state that it
uses 5 watts in standby and maximum of 100 watts. I was looking at the
converters on the market and was confused as to which type I would need
for this device. There were 50 - 1600 watts devices and up to 50 watts
devices. As the watts used can go up to 100 on the fax depending on
what it is doing I assume that I need the 50 - 1600. I just want to
make sure that the 50 minimum would not affect the device.


Make sure you get a transformer.
There are many devices made for hair dryers etc. that may damage...
as in "kill it dead"... your fax machine.

Agree that it might be cheaper to purchase the correct fax machine
locally. Transformers are heavy to ship.

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On 5 Aug 2005 08:04:03 -0700, "Hilly" <hillyc12@gmail.com> wrote:

I am sending a fax machine that the power specifications state that it
uses 5 watts in standby and maximum of 100 watts. I was looking at the
converters on the market and was confused as to which type I would need
for this device. There were 50 - 1600 watts devices and up to 50 watts
devices. As the watts used can go up to 100 on the fax depending on
what it is doing I assume that I need the 50 - 1600. I just want to
make sure that the 50 minimum would not affect the device.
Are you sure you need any converter at all? Many
consumer electronics devices these days use
switching power supplies, and have a small 120/240
switch typically right next to the power receptacle. It's
usually a recessed slide switch you activate with a
screwdriver blade.

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Home of DaqGen, the FREEWARE signal generator
The fax only cost me $30 and the converter is around $6 and pretty
small so I don't think I could get a 220 volt fax or one with with a
switch for that cheap. My son in law has been using these converters on
all type of equipment with no problems. It is also a step down
converter as it takes the 220 volts and sends only 110 volts so it
doesn't need to be a big transformer.
My only question was the fact that the 50 - 1600 said minimum 50 watts
as a plug normaly has no converter I assume it always send 110 volts
yet it doesn't hurt the appliance.
...the converter is around $6...
My son in law has been using these converters
on all type of equipment with no problems.
If one of those devices was not a fax machine, beware.
As Mike has already said,
hair-dryer-type converters will only work on the simplest of equipment.

I don't think you will get a 100W **transformer** for 6 bucks.

Here's my original idea with a $24 cutoff this time:
On 8 Aug 2005 10:58:11 -0700, "Hilly" <hillyc12@gmail.com> wrote:

The fax only cost me $30 and the converter is around $6 and pretty
small so I don't think I could get a 220 volt fax or one with with a
switch for that cheap. My son in law has been using these converters on
all type of equipment with no problems. It is also a step down
converter as it takes the 220 volts and sends only 110 volts so it
doesn't need to be a big transformer.
My only question was the fact that the 50 - 1600 said minimum 50 watts
as a plug normaly has no converter I assume it always send 110 volts
yet it doesn't hurt the appliance.
If the converter said "minimum 50 watts", that means that you have
to put at least a 50 watt load on it before it'll work properly.

So, since your fax is only using 5 watts on standbdy, what could
happen is anybody's guess. My guess would be that the output would
go out of regulation, which could fry your fax.

The most reliable solution, as someone has already posted, would be
to use a transformer. I suggest a 220V to 110V isolation
transformer rated at 150VA.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

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