Hi gang, sorry to keep bothering you with questions.
I just took delivery of one of these;
It's a 5V - 30V / 10A meter that I want to use in a recycle-built bench
power supply that I'm making using a 20V laptop brick and an adjustable
voltage / current LED driver module rated to 30V and 40W.
Trouble is there are two connectors on the meter, light-gauge red / black
and heavier gauge red / black / blue wires and no connection diagram
included. Any help on how to connect it to my 'bench supply' appreciated.
I'm guessing that the light red / black are for parallel connection to load
as a voltmeter and the heavier wires are for series connection to load for
ammeter but don't know if I'm right and wether the blue wire is 'out' for
positive or negative - I assume positive. I could just 'suck it and see'
(and will if I don't hear back fairly soon <g> but would prefer
pre-knowldge if possible. It'd be a shame to cook it and then have to wait
another two weeks for a second one.
"Humans will have advanced a long, long way when religious belief has a cozy
little classification in the DSM*."
David Melville (in r.a.s.f1)
(*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
I just took delivery of one of these;
It's a 5V - 30V / 10A meter that I want to use in a recycle-built bench
power supply that I'm making using a 20V laptop brick and an adjustable
voltage / current LED driver module rated to 30V and 40W.
Trouble is there are two connectors on the meter, light-gauge red / black
and heavier gauge red / black / blue wires and no connection diagram
included. Any help on how to connect it to my 'bench supply' appreciated.
I'm guessing that the light red / black are for parallel connection to load
as a voltmeter and the heavier wires are for series connection to load for
ammeter but don't know if I'm right and wether the blue wire is 'out' for
positive or negative - I assume positive. I could just 'suck it and see'
(and will if I don't hear back fairly soon <g> but would prefer
pre-knowldge if possible. It'd be a shame to cook it and then have to wait
another two weeks for a second one.
"Humans will have advanced a long, long way when religious belief has a cozy
little classification in the DSM*."
David Melville (in r.a.s.f1)
(*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)