I just had a great idea for a System Verilog addition. They've already addede void functions and tasks. How about a void data type:
void [3:0] i_dont_care;
This would be very useful for output ports of modules that are not being used. Instead of just leaving them empty, which could get confused with just forgetting to connect a signal, and causing lint issues, you would just connect a void signal. All the tool would know that you don't care about what's driving this and you know it doesn't go anywhere.
It would also be really handy when you only need some of the bits of an output port:
module abcd (output logic [15:0] status_bits);
assign status_bits[10] = OV
logic OV; // overflow status
void [15:11] nc_status1;
void [9:0] nc_status2;
abcd abcd_0 (.status_buts({nc_status1, OV, nc_status2});
Lots of warnings about unused bits would go away!
Thoughts? How do I submit this to the IEEE 1800 committee?
void [3:0] i_dont_care;
This would be very useful for output ports of modules that are not being used. Instead of just leaving them empty, which could get confused with just forgetting to connect a signal, and causing lint issues, you would just connect a void signal. All the tool would know that you don't care about what's driving this and you know it doesn't go anywhere.
It would also be really handy when you only need some of the bits of an output port:
module abcd (output logic [15:0] status_bits);
assign status_bits[10] = OV
logic OV; // overflow status
void [15:11] nc_status1;
void [9:0] nc_status2;
abcd abcd_0 (.status_buts({nc_status1, OV, nc_status2});
Lots of warnings about unused bits would go away!
Thoughts? How do I submit this to the IEEE 1800 committee?