Praveen Deshpande
Hi All,
Recently I have got specifications for one project.
One of the input is "voice" for the module.
It is written for that;
* 1 no. of voice channel with 8KHz bandwidth(duplex)with 600/70-ohm
* Electrical characterstics:600 ohms input impedance(transformer
coupled) 2-wire input provides 28 volt to power a telephone hand set.
* 2 wire output
* 600 ohm output impedance(transformer coupled)
* 28 volt output for powering a telephone instrument
There are few other inputs coming in to the module ,we have to MUX
them together
and send through multimode fiber link to other end.Similarly we need
to DEMUX them and route them to the appropriate lines.This all stuff
we are doing in a FPGA.
Actually I never worked on voice systems.Thus I am not able to
understand voice specs properly .
I suppose I may need to put a CODEC and SLIC.
Can anybody plz claify this specs for voice and
what way I may need to process this voice input to meet the given
Anticipating your cooperation.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Recently I have got specifications for one project.
One of the input is "voice" for the module.
It is written for that;
* 1 no. of voice channel with 8KHz bandwidth(duplex)with 600/70-ohm
* Electrical characterstics:600 ohms input impedance(transformer
coupled) 2-wire input provides 28 volt to power a telephone hand set.
* 2 wire output
* 600 ohm output impedance(transformer coupled)
* 28 volt output for powering a telephone instrument
There are few other inputs coming in to the module ,we have to MUX
them together
and send through multimode fiber link to other end.Similarly we need
to DEMUX them and route them to the appropriate lines.This all stuff
we are doing in a FPGA.
Actually I never worked on voice systems.Thus I am not able to
understand voice specs properly .
I suppose I may need to put a CODEC and SLIC.
Can anybody plz claify this specs for voice and
what way I may need to process this voice input to meet the given
Anticipating your cooperation.
Thanks in advance
Best regards