I have an old 365 that I still use. Lately the capacitor has been getting hot. Cap is rated 1800uf 400V
The flash works fine except for the heat.
On checking I found that there is 465V on the cap. Even hooking it to a "dead" battery that only had 8V during charging, the cap still had 430V on it. I believe the cap is getting hot from the overvoltage. I've checked the cap on a Sencore Z meter, an ESR meter and with an ohm meter and all indicate that it is ok. The Z meter showed a little dielctric absortion but not bad for a cap 30 yrs old and that size. Ohm meter tests in the 50meg I ran over all the diodes, resistors and semis that I could recognize. I found one semi in a TO-220 type package that reads 94 ohms between the outside leads. It reads .09 in both directions on a diode test. The tab-center lead reads around 5meg to the other 2 leads and counts up like a capacitor charging. I have searched extensively on the net for info on this device and have found nothing. Anyone know what this is and if it's good or bad? My thoughts are that it is used to regulate the voltage applied to the cap and is not working. Any and all advice is apprecaited.
The flash works fine except for the heat.
On checking I found that there is 465V on the cap. Even hooking it to a "dead" battery that only had 8V during charging, the cap still had 430V on it. I believe the cap is getting hot from the overvoltage. I've checked the cap on a Sencore Z meter, an ESR meter and with an ohm meter and all indicate that it is ok. The Z meter showed a little dielctric absortion but not bad for a cap 30 yrs old and that size. Ohm meter tests in the 50meg I ran over all the diodes, resistors and semis that I could recognize. I found one semi in a TO-220 type package that reads 94 ohms between the outside leads. It reads .09 in both directions on a diode test. The tab-center lead reads around 5meg to the other 2 leads and counts up like a capacitor charging. I have searched extensively on the net for info on this device and have found nothing. Anyone know what this is and if it's good or bad? My thoughts are that it is used to regulate the voltage applied to the cap and is not working. Any and all advice is apprecaited.