Vivado is intensely frustrating


Rob Gaddi

So, the following ROM initialization code should be entirely
synthesizable. Not so, according to the latest version of Vivado,
which proudly declares "ignoring unsynthesizable construct:
non-synthesizable procedure call", zeros out my ROM, and then optimizes
it away.

And yes, I have ways to work around this (though they force me to carry
far too much of the policy from my VHDL back into my coefficient
generating code). I just wanted to call out, in a public forum, that
the inability to handle something as trivial as this points out how
fundamentally brain-damaged this software is. I'd submit a WebCase,
but the bean-counters at Xilinx have decided to no longer accept those
for fear that customers may want support, or worse yet report bugs.


function create_index(
filter : integer range 0 to 1;
phase : integer range 0 to 63;
tap : integer range 0 to 14
) return natural is
return (filter * 1024) + (tap * 64) + phase;
end function create_index;

constant LONGFILTER : integer := 0;
constant SHORTFILTER : integer := 1;

type t_coef is record
c : signed(17 downto 0); -- S1.17
dc : signed(17 downto 0); -- S1.17
end record;
type t_coef_rom is array(0 to 2047) of t_coef;

impure function GetCoefROM return t_coef_rom is
-- Load up our filter coefficients from a file. The file format is
-- 960 lines of (c dc) pairs, all as real numbers.
variable rv : t_coef_rom;

procedure GetFilterData (
filename : string;
filter : integer
) is
file src : text open READ_MODE is filename;
variable ln : line;
variable c : integer range -(2**17) to (2**17)-1;
variable dc : integer range -(2**17) to (2**17)-1;
variable r : real;

variable phase : integer range 0 to 63 := 0;
variable tap : integer := 0;
variable idx : integer range rv'range;
variable lines : natural := 0;

while not endfile(src) loop
readline(src, ln);
read(ln, r);
c := INTEGER(round(r * 2.0**17));
read(ln, r);
dc := INTEGER(round(r * 2.0**17));

idx := create_index(filter, phase, tap);
rv(idx).c := TO_SIGNED(c, 18);
rv(idx).dc := TO_SIGNED(dc, 18);

if phase = 63 then
phase := 0;
tap := tap + 1;
phase := phase + 1;
end if;
lines := lines + 1;
end loop;

write(ln, string'("Read "));
write(ln, lines);
write(ln, string'(" lines from "));
write(ln, filename);
writeline(OUTPUT, ln);

end procedure GetFilterData;

for i in rv'range loop
rv(i) := (others => (others => '0'));
end loop;

GetFilterData("longfilter.txt", LONGFILTER);
GetFilterData("shortfilter.txt", SHORTFILTER);
return rv;
end function GetCoefROM;

-- Giant table of FIR coefficients.
signal coef_rom : t_coef_rom := GetCoefROM;

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology --
Email address domain is currently out of order. See above to fix.
El martes, 27 de enero de 2015, 16:46:58 (UTC-3), Rob Gaddi escribió:
So, the following ROM initialization code should be entirely
synthesizable. Not so, according to the latest version of Vivado,
which proudly declares "ignoring unsynthesizable construct:
non-synthesizable procedure call", zeros out my ROM, and then optimizes
it away.

And yes, I have ways to work around this (though they force me to carry
far too much of the policy from my VHDL back into my coefficient
generating code). I just wanted to call out, in a public forum, that
the inability to handle something as trivial as this points out how
fundamentally brain-damaged this software is. I'd submit a WebCase,
but the bean-counters at Xilinx have decided to no longer accept those
for fear that customers may want support, or worse yet report bugs.


function create_index(
filter : integer range 0 to 1;
phase : integer range 0 to 63;
tap : integer range 0 to 14
) return natural is
return (filter * 1024) + (tap * 64) + phase;
end function create_index;

constant LONGFILTER : integer := 0;
constant SHORTFILTER : integer := 1;

type t_coef is record
c : signed(17 downto 0); -- S1.17
dc : signed(17 downto 0); -- S1.17
end record;
type t_coef_rom is array(0 to 2047) of t_coef;

impure function GetCoefROM return t_coef_rom is
-- Load up our filter coefficients from a file. The file format is
-- 960 lines of (c dc) pairs, all as real numbers.
variable rv : t_coef_rom;

procedure GetFilterData (
filename : string;
filter : integer
) is
file src : text open READ_MODE is filename;
variable ln : line;
variable c : integer range -(2**17) to (2**17)-1;
variable dc : integer range -(2**17) to (2**17)-1;
variable r : real;

variable phase : integer range 0 to 63 := 0;
variable tap : integer := 0;
variable idx : integer range rv'range;
variable lines : natural := 0;

while not endfile(src) loop
readline(src, ln);
read(ln, r);
c := INTEGER(round(r * 2.0**17));
read(ln, r);
dc := INTEGER(round(r * 2.0**17));

idx := create_index(filter, phase, tap);
rv(idx).c := TO_SIGNED(c, 18);
rv(idx).dc := TO_SIGNED(dc, 18);

if phase = 63 then
phase := 0;
tap := tap + 1;
phase := phase + 1;
end if;
lines := lines + 1;
end loop;

write(ln, string'("Read "));
write(ln, lines);
write(ln, string'(" lines from "));
write(ln, filename);
writeline(OUTPUT, ln);

end procedure GetFilterData;

for i in rv'range loop
rv(i) := (others => (others => '0'));
end loop;

GetFilterData("longfilter.txt", LONGFILTER);
GetFilterData("shortfilter.txt", SHORTFILTER);
return rv;
end function GetCoefROM;

-- Giant table of FIR coefficients.
signal coef_rom : t_coef_rom := GetCoefROM;

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology --
Email address domain is currently out of order. See above to fix.

Feel your frustation. I had a code that inferred blockRAMs perfectly according to XST guidelines. Run it on Vivado, and then suddenly my design took the 400% of the FFs in the FPGA.

Also Vivado synthesis does not support dynamic loops, something like this is not allowed:

--a is a variable
for i in 0 to a-1 loop
end loop;

but this is allowed:

--i, a are variables, MAX should be a constant, for example the max binary ----value of an SLV

while i < MAX loop something here
if i = a then exit; end if;
end loop;

Also...signals marked for debug do not have their name preserved at all times, gets very frustrating going into the post-synthesis debug mode to add/remove them...

I guess since it is very it is expected, but I wonder why they felt they should re-write XST from the beginning, and WHY, oh, WHY, leave Spartan6 out, there is a still a market for Spartan 6.
El martes, 27 de enero de 2015, 16:46:58 (UTC-3), Rob Gaddi escribió:
So, the following ROM initialization code should be entirely
synthesizable. Not so, according to the latest version of Vivado,
which proudly declares "ignoring unsynthesizable construct:
non-synthesizable procedure call", zeros out my ROM, and then optimizes
it away.

And yes, I have ways to work around this (though they force me to carry
far too much of the policy from my VHDL back into my coefficient
generating code). I just wanted to call out, in a public forum, that
the inability to handle something as trivial as this points out how
fundamentally brain-damaged this software is. I'd submit a WebCase,
but the bean-counters at Xilinx have decided to no longer accept those
for fear that customers may want support, or worse yet report bugs.


function create_index(
filter : integer range 0 to 1;
phase : integer range 0 to 63;
tap : integer range 0 to 14
) return natural is
return (filter * 1024) + (tap * 64) + phase;
end function create_index;

constant LONGFILTER : integer := 0;
constant SHORTFILTER : integer := 1;

type t_coef is record
c : signed(17 downto 0); -- S1.17
dc : signed(17 downto 0); -- S1.17
end record;
type t_coef_rom is array(0 to 2047) of t_coef;

impure function GetCoefROM return t_coef_rom is
-- Load up our filter coefficients from a file. The file format is
-- 960 lines of (c dc) pairs, all as real numbers.
variable rv : t_coef_rom;

procedure GetFilterData (
filename : string;
filter : integer
) is
file src : text open READ_MODE is filename;
variable ln : line;
variable c : integer range -(2**17) to (2**17)-1;
variable dc : integer range -(2**17) to (2**17)-1;
variable r : real;

variable phase : integer range 0 to 63 := 0;
variable tap : integer := 0;
variable idx : integer range rv'range;
variable lines : natural := 0;

while not endfile(src) loop
readline(src, ln);
read(ln, r);
c := INTEGER(round(r * 2.0**17));
read(ln, r);
dc := INTEGER(round(r * 2.0**17));

idx := create_index(filter, phase, tap);
rv(idx).c := TO_SIGNED(c, 18);
rv(idx).dc := TO_SIGNED(dc, 18);

if phase = 63 then
phase := 0;
tap := tap + 1;
phase := phase + 1;
end if;
lines := lines + 1;
end loop;

write(ln, string'("Read "));
write(ln, lines);
write(ln, string'(" lines from "));
write(ln, filename);
writeline(OUTPUT, ln);

end procedure GetFilterData;

for i in rv'range loop
rv(i) := (others => (others => '0'));
end loop;

GetFilterData("longfilter.txt", LONGFILTER);
GetFilterData("shortfilter.txt", SHORTFILTER);
return rv;
end function GetCoefROM;

-- Giant table of FIR coefficients.
signal coef_rom : t_coef_rom := GetCoefROM;

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology --
Email address domain is currently out of order. See above to fix.

Also, maybe someone could shed some light on this post:
On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:46:56 -0800
Rob Gaddi <rgaddi@technologyhighland.invalid> wrote:

So, the following ROM initialization code should be entirely
synthesizable. Not so, according to the latest version of Vivado,
which proudly declares "ignoring unsynthesizable construct:
non-synthesizable procedure call", zeros out my ROM, and then optimizes
it away.

And yes, I have ways to work around this (though they force me to carry
far too much of the policy from my VHDL back into my coefficient
generating code). I just wanted to call out, in a public forum, that
the inability to handle something as trivial as this points out how
fundamentally brain-damaged this software is. I'd submit a WebCase,
but the bean-counters at Xilinx have decided to no longer accept those
for fear that customers may want support, or worse yet report bugs.


Follow up for using textio under Vivado. Not only can't it read reals
from a file, but it can't read integers either. Not only that, but if
you actually bother to use the 3 argument form with the GOOD output, it
will always set GOOD to true even when it can't read anything.

Just sloppy. A working textio for all the types defined in std has
been a part of the spec for a LONG time.

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology --
Email address domain is currently out of order. See above to fix.

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