Viterbi Decoder path memory using Block RAM




I am trying to put the large Path Memory for Trace Back of Viterbi
Decoder in Block RAM of Xilinx Viterx FPGA. Say we have a 64 states,
trellis depth of 100 Trace Back and one decoded bit is output every
clock cycle. The problem is that how to store this path memory in
Block RAM? As far as I know that the Block RAM can only be
read/written in one address every clock cycle, prohit it from tracing
back through the long depth of trellis in one clock cycle. One
solution is to use many Block RAMs but it will need lots RAMs (Many
implementations said they only need couple of Block RAMs). Am I
missing something here? Tanks.
Thanks, it is EXACTLY what I need!

Jerzy Gbur <> wrote in message news:<cb7bv5$1gs$>...
Heliboy wrote:


I am trying to put the large Path Memory for Trace Back of Viterbi
Decoder in Block RAM of Xilinx Viterx FPGA. Say we have a 64 states,
trellis depth of 100 Trace Back and one decoded bit is output every
clock cycle. The problem is that how to store this path memory in

- try that document

If You'll have some problems ask again.

Jerzy Gbur
The link is not opening and is saying to search in archive. How to see this now?

- try that document
Heliboy wrote:


I am trying to put the large Path Memory for Trace Back of Viterbi
Decoder in Block RAM of Xilinx Viterx FPGA. Say we have a 64 states,
trellis depth of 100 Trace Back and one decoded bit is output every
clock cycle. The problem is that how to store this path memory in

- try that document

If You'll have some problems ask again.

Jerzy Gbur

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