Virtuso Layout "save as"...


Peter Croce

When I do a Design -> Save as, is there a way to get the editor to then
switch to the new layout that I have saved as? For example, if I am
working on a layout called "ralph" and I save it as "kramden", I now
want the layout to be kramden that I continue editing, not ralph.

Peter Croce
Peter Croce
IBM Microelectronics Internet:
Burlington, VT Phone: 802-769-4905 (tie 446)
Sounds like Microsoft products ...

It's easy to write some couple of Skill lines doing this.
I can send you something doing this if you want.

Kholdoun TORKI

Peter Croce wrote:

When I do a Design -> Save as, is there a way to get the editor to then
switch to the new layout that I have saved as? For example, if I am
working on a layout called "ralph" and I save it as "kramden", I now
want the layout to be kramden that I continue editing, not ralph.

Peter Croce
Peter Croce
IBM Microelectronics Internet:
Burlington, VT Phone: 802-769-4905 (tie 446)
Below is a couple of Skill lines doing this. It works only
with layout views, but certainly may be adapted to work
for every views and viewTypes.

Hope that this helps.

Kholdoun TORKI

Function Name : KTSaveAs()
Could be added in the Edit menu with

Category : layout, (not tested on Composer schematic)
Date : March 05th, 2004
Revision : 1.0
Prerequisites : none
SW Release : 4.4.6 (not tested under 5.0)
Author : Kholdoun TORKI (CMP, Grenoble, FRANCE)

Synopsis : "Save as" a layout cellView and display the new
saved cellView, closing the original one,
and asking if the changes has to
be saved in the original as well.
(similar to "Save As" in MS-Windows products.

Known Problems : 1) Not yet working for Composer Schematic/Symbol,
or other than "maskLayout" views

2) Should start at least one Virtuoso layout
in a session to be able invoking the function

prog((cvId sLibName sCellName sViewName tLibName tViewName)
cvId = geGetEditCellView()
if(cvId != nil then
tLibName = cvId~>cellView~>libName
tCellName = cvId~>cellView~>cellName
tViewName = cvId~>cellView~>viewName
tLibName = ""
tCellName = ""
tViewName = ""
sprintf(msg "Cellview is not being viewed at this time.")
sLibName = hiCreateStringField(
?name 'sLibName
?prompt "Library Name"
?defValue tLibName
sCellName = hiCreateStringField(
?name 'sCellName
?prompt "Cell Name"
?defValue tCellName
sViewName = hiCreateStringField(
?name 'sViewName
?prompt "View Name"
?defValue tViewName
KTSaveAsForm = hiCreateForm('KTSaveAsForm
"Save As and Edit the New cellView"
list(list(sLibName 0:0 350:35 170)
list(sCellName 0:35 350:35 170)
list(sViewName 0:70 350:35 170)

procedure( KTSaveAsProc( )

prog( ( designLib designView designCell cvId cvNewId)

cvId = geGetEditCellView()

designLib = KTSaveAsForm->sLibName->value
designCell = KTSaveAsForm->sCellName->value
designView = KTSaveAsForm->sViewName->value

if( !cvId then
hiGetAttention() ;

cvNewId = dbOpenCellViewByType(designLib
dbSave(cvId cvNewId)


; UI for "Save As" in an MS-Windows style
procedure( KTSaveAsPullDown()
let( (KTSaveAsField)
?name 'KTSaveAsField
?itemText "*Save As"
?callback "KTSaveAs()"

; add "Save As" item under Design menu.
unless( designMenu->KTSaveAsField
hiAddMenuItem( designMenu KTSaveAsField)

)) ; END KTSaveAsPullDown()


Kholdoun TORKI wrote:

Sounds like Microsoft products ...

It's easy to write some couple of Skill lines doing this.
I can send you something doing this if you want.

Kholdoun TORKI

Peter Croce wrote:

When I do a Design -> Save as, is there a way to get the editor to
then switch to the new layout that I have saved as? For example, if I
am working on a layout called "ralph" and I save it as "kramden", I
now want the layout to be kramden that I continue editing, not ralph.

Regards, Peter Croce
Peter Croce IBM
Microelectronics Internet:
Burlington, VT Phone: 802-769-4905 (tie 446)

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