I generated a DPRAM using Xilinx Coregen and used the <dpram>.v for
synthesis using Synplify Pro -v 8.4. In the <dpram>.v file, I have
added the "synthesis syn_black_box" directive and in the SCOPE
attributes tab and I have chosen the instantiated object name in the
top module to be inferred as block ram. I dont know whether this the
correct way of using Coregen components in Synplify Pro. Plz let me
know the correct way.
After synthesizing, I took the EDF file and implemented it using Xilinx
PAR. In the FPGA utilization summary report, against DPRAM I am seeing
'0'. Why is it so? What Coregen components should be added to the
Xilinx project?
After synthesis or implementation, can I see a technology or RTL view
(in either Xilinx or Synplify Pro) to make sure that a DPRAM is used in
my design?
Thanks & Regards,
I generated a DPRAM using Xilinx Coregen and used the <dpram>.v for
synthesis using Synplify Pro -v 8.4. In the <dpram>.v file, I have
added the "synthesis syn_black_box" directive and in the SCOPE
attributes tab and I have chosen the instantiated object name in the
top module to be inferred as block ram. I dont know whether this the
correct way of using Coregen components in Synplify Pro. Plz let me
know the correct way.
After synthesizing, I took the EDF file and implemented it using Xilinx
PAR. In the FPGA utilization summary report, against DPRAM I am seeing
'0'. Why is it so? What Coregen components should be added to the
Xilinx project?
After synthesis or implementation, can I see a technology or RTL view
(in either Xilinx or Synplify Pro) to make sure that a DPRAM is used in
my design?
Thanks & Regards,