Doing a design in Virtex2 (XC2V250 so uite small).
The VHDL synthesises OK to an .edf file, plus another .edf for an IP core.
When I run PAR it fails the first hyurdle saying it can't find some blocks,
but why are they missing?
Message is "ngdbuild error 604"
Is it that 4.2 is old and can't fully handle Virtex2?
TIA, Niv.
Doing a design in Virtex2 (XC2V250 so uite small).
The VHDL synthesises OK to an .edf file, plus another .edf for an IP core.
When I run PAR it fails the first hyurdle saying it can't find some blocks,
but why are they missing?
Message is "ngdbuild error 604"
Is it that 4.2 is old and can't fully handle Virtex2?
TIA, Niv.