I've got following problem:
I need 27MHz and 54MHz clocks, input freq. is 20MHz.
Till today I used DCM FS 27/20 next to DLL and DLL*2.
Theoreticly it should works OK, but doesn't. From time to time after
reboot or after clok stop, it works strange and completly bad. Today
I've read about jitter on output of DCM's CLKFX, I check on "Virtex-II
CLKFX Jitter Calculator" that in this conditions I have over 2 ns
jitter on CLKFX output, which is to big for DLL input CLKIN.
So I try to do this way:
DCM FS 27/5 - I have 108MHz next to DLL/4 and DLL*2
The jitter on CLKFX should be below 1ns and now it must work but
What should I check else?
Please help me, I lose my hair :>
Best regards
Jerzy Gbur
I've got following problem:
I need 27MHz and 54MHz clocks, input freq. is 20MHz.
Till today I used DCM FS 27/20 next to DLL and DLL*2.
Theoreticly it should works OK, but doesn't. From time to time after
reboot or after clok stop, it works strange and completly bad. Today
I've read about jitter on output of DCM's CLKFX, I check on "Virtex-II
CLKFX Jitter Calculator" that in this conditions I have over 2 ns
jitter on CLKFX output, which is to big for DLL input CLKIN.
So I try to do this way:
DCM FS 27/5 - I have 108MHz next to DLL/4 and DLL*2
The jitter on CLKFX should be below 1ns and now it must work but
What should I check else?
Please help me, I lose my hair :>
Best regards
Jerzy Gbur