Virtex II : partial reconf, bus macro


Sohaib Majzoub

hello, <i>correctly implemented the bus macro using the BUFT, i just have two questions:</i>&#32; - the number of bus macros in virtex II per one column is 112, but i need more than 112 for one bus, is it possible to expand this bus to include more than 2 columns, i mean if i need 200 BUFTs to provide the communication for 200 signals, i can use 4 columns, using 200 of the 224 BUFTs, <br>
- the second question is that, if i understand it correctly, i have to use 2 BUFTs for each signal in the bus macro, one in each module, i mean one to the right and one to the left, is this true? <br>
is there any place that i can register so that i can post messages? <br>
thanks in advance, i appreciate your help very much,

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