David Gesswein

I tried the Xilinx support line Case # 503586 and haven't gotten a good
answer so though I would try here.

I am trying to interface to a ZBT SRAM from a Virtex II and was trying to
do like in xapp 136 which used 2 DCM's to generate a internal FPGA and an
external board clock using external DCM feedback that are aligned. That
configuration in simulation (5.2i sp3) shows the external clock is .5ns
delayed from the internal clock. We actually need to use a third DCM FX
output to generate the clock for the SRAM. When we do that the external
clock is now leading the internal clock by 1 ns. I didn't understand why
what clock feeds both DCM's would change the timing and since our timing
is tight I need them to be closely aligned.

The external clock is output using a DDR FF and I used the DCM wizard which
should of put in all the problem bufg/ibufg etc which the V2 users guide
says are needed if it is going to compensate for the pad to DCM delay.

I also think only 2 DCM's are needed, 1 to generate the internal clock using
FX and a second to generate the deskewed external clock. That configuration
seems to generate the same timing as the 3 DCM version.

Anybody know the correct solution?

Also does anybody know an easy way on the board to measure the alignment
between an internal and external clock? Bringing the internal clock out to
a pin would require knowing the actual loaded buffer delay which I
wouldn't think I could get very accurate. If I can accurately measure it
and its not a simulation artifact I should be able to tweak the phase shift
to make it align. I would think that should then be stable across boards.

Couple other questions, has anybody seen the hold time of the V2 IOB
flip flops documented?

For the DCM is is ok to feed the locked from one into the reset of the next
or do we need to hold the reset for at least 3 clocks? Different
documentation shows different ways and the direct connection didn't work
under 6.1 simulation.

David Gesswein
"David Gesswein" wrote:

I am trying to interface to a ZBT SRAM from a Virtex II and was trying to
do like in xapp 136 which used 2 DCM's to generate a internal FPGA and an
external board clock using external DCM feedback that are aligned.
I don't have any experience with ZBT SRAM, but in general terms I've been
using the DDR mechanism to generate outgoing source-synchronous bus clocks
and it's worked like a charm for frequencies approaching 200MHz. Of course,
careful board layout is a part of this as well.

Also does anybody know an easy way on the board to measure the alignment
between an internal and external clock?
Use FPGA Editor to bring the internal clock out to a pin as close to the
external clock as you can (to reduce board/layout/measurement errors). FPGA
Editor will give you routing delay information. I think it's accurate to
the pin.

For the DCM is is ok to feed the locked from one into the reset of the
or do we need to hold the reset for at least 3 clocks?
I think it's OK, but I've never done it that way. I'm paranoid and
flip-flops are cheap and plentiful.

Martin Euredjian

To send private email:
"0_0_0_0_" = "martineu"
In article <9Scqb.687$>,
Martin Euredjian <> wrote:
I don't have any experience with ZBT SRAM, but in general terms I've been
using the DDR mechanism to generate outgoing source-synchronous bus clocks
and it's worked like a charm for frequencies approaching 200MHz. Of course,
careful board layout is a part of this as well.

ZBT interface is intended to use a single system synchronous clock. They
require setup and hold time on the data after the clock to them and the
data is valid quite late in the cycle on SRAM read and they don't provide
a clock back to register the data. They also have tri-state requirements
for the bus turnaround. For the output side using inverted clock and data DDR
type would work but properly registering the input using that type of scheme
isn't as easy which is why I was trying the single internal/external
aligned clock.

Use FPGA Editor to bring the internal clock out to a pin as close to the
external clock as you can (to reduce board/layout/measurement errors). FPGA
Editor will give you routing delay information. I think it's accurate to
the pin.

I have only found how to get max delay from the tool and wasn't sure how
much the actual will differ. We will see.

David Gesswein

When we do that the external clock is now leading the internal
clock by 1 ns. I didn't understand why what clock feeds both DCM's
would change the timing and since our timing is tight I need them
to be closely aligned.
The precessing clock offset is most likely due to the default
intentional delay inserted into the internal DCM feedback path
to give zero hold time at the IOB inputs; this advances the clock
as seen directly at the DCM outputs.

Try setting the DESKEW_ADJUST attribute on the DCM to
SOURCE_SYNCHRONOUS, which disables the internal delay element.
( but be wary of I/O timing changes if that DCM drives anything
other than the forwarded clock )

See pages 4-5 of XAPP259 for a good description of the delay logic.

For the DCM is is ok to feed the locked from one into the reset of the next
or do we need to hold the reset for at least 3 clocks?
This is one of those "DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!!" subjects :

- use a reset delay circuit, and make sure it's clocked by something
other than the output clock of the DCM you're attempting to reset :)

- if you're using external feedback into a DCM to do board deskew,
the deskew DCM requires an even longer reset delay because the
feedback clock IOB is disabled until config completes, so the
master DCM can't startup properly

- be sure to monitor the LOCKED, CLK_IN, CLK_FX status bits
to decide when to reset the master ( and it may not hurt to
independently check that the pre-DCM input clock is present
and accounted for with some sort of watchdog logic )

- any slave DCMs need their own startup logic that fires once
the master has locked, and make sure you check the status
of ALL slave DCMs to decide when it's time to punt and reset
the whole shooting match.

- once you think you have it working, disconnect and reconnect
the input clock a few times and fix anything that fails to
recover properly.

Possibly Helpful Answer Records:

14743 What is the DESKEW_ADJUST attribute?

15350 What does the DESKEW_ADJUST constraint do?

10972 DCM - What do the various status pins represent?

14425 Resetting after configuration is strongly recommended
for a DCM that is configured with external feedback

11067 ModelSim Simulations: Input and Output clocks of the DCM and CLKDLL
models do not appear to be de-skewed

13024 How are Tdllino and Tdcmino calculated for a DLL/DCM?

have fun,
Brian (David Gesswein) wrote in message news:<T%9qb.10489$>...
I tried the Xilinx support line Case # 503586 and haven't gotten a good
answer so though I would try here.

I am trying to interface to a ZBT SRAM from a Virtex II and was trying to
do like in xapp 136 which used 2 DCM's to generate a internal FPGA and an
external board clock using external DCM feedback that are aligned. That
configuration in simulation (5.2i sp3) shows the external clock is .5ns
delayed from the internal clock. We actually need to use a third DCM FX
output to generate the clock for the SRAM. When we do that the external
clock is now leading the internal clock by 1 ns. I didn't understand why
what clock feeds both DCM's would change the timing and since our timing
is tight I need them to be closely aligned.

The external clock is output using a DDR FF and I used the DCM wizard which
should of put in all the problem bufg/ibufg etc which the V2 users guide
says are needed if it is going to compensate for the pad to DCM delay.

I also think only 2 DCM's are needed, 1 to generate the internal clock using
FX and a second to generate the deskewed external clock. That configuration
seems to generate the same timing as the 3 DCM version.

Anybody know the correct solution?

Also does anybody know an easy way on the board to measure the alignment
between an internal and external clock? Bringing the internal clock out to
a pin would require knowing the actual loaded buffer delay which I
wouldn't think I could get very accurate. If I can accurately measure it
and its not a simulation artifact I should be able to tweak the phase shift
to make it align. I would think that should then be stable across boards.

Couple other questions, has anybody seen the hold time of the V2 IOB
flip flops documented?

For the DCM is is ok to feed the locked from one into the reset of the next
or do we need to hold the reset for at least 3 clocks? Different
documentation shows different ways and the direct connection didn't work
under 6.1 simulation.

David Gesswein
"David Gesswein" wrote:

Use FPGA Editor to bring the internal clock out to a pin as close to the
external clock as you can (to reduce board/layout/measurement errors).
Editor will give you routing delay information. I think it's accurate to
the pin.

I have only found how to get max delay from the tool and wasn't sure how
much the actual will differ. We will see.

When you define a probe it gives you a routing delay.

Martin Euredjian

To send private email:
"0_0_0_0_" = "martineu"
I wrote:
Possibly Helpful Answer Records:

oops, I left off one with a good description of manual IOB timing
calculations required to correct reported DDR setup times:

18079 The input setup/hold requirement reported by TRCE seems
excessive for my design; is the value correct?

David Gesswein wrote:

I tried the Xilinx support line Case # 503586 and haven't gotten a good
answer so though I would try here.

I am trying to interface to a ZBT SRAM from a Virtex II and was trying to
do like in xapp 136 which used 2 DCM's to generate a internal FPGA and an
external board clock using external DCM feedback that are aligned. That
configuration in simulation (5.2i sp3) shows the external clock is .5ns
delayed from the internal clock. We actually need to use a third DCM FX
output to generate the clock for the SRAM. When we do that the external
clock is now leading the internal clock by 1 ns. I didn't understand why
what clock feeds both DCM's would change the timing and since our timing
is tight I need them to be closely aligned.

The external clock is output using a DDR FF and I used the DCM wizard which
should of put in all the problem bufg/ibufg etc which the V2 users guide
says are needed if it is going to compensate for the pad to DCM delay.

I also think only 2 DCM's are needed, 1 to generate the internal clock using
FX and a second to generate the deskewed external clock. That configuration
seems to generate the same timing as the 3 DCM version.

Anybody know the correct solution?
Howdy David,

I'm not quite clear on what you are using the FX output before, but
I've used ZBT SRAM's on a number of designs over the past couple years.

Here is how I do it: feed the input/reference clock into two DCM's. The
CLKFB of one is just the output of the global buffer. The output of the
other DCM goes off chip (using a DDR FF doesn't get you anythig... the
deskew function takes the delay out). Put two resistors on the output
pin (keeping the resistors as close as possible to the FPGA), and route
from one resistor to the ZBT. The other resistor routes to a GCLK input
pin and feeds to the CLKFB pin. As long as you keep the two "long"
traces (the outputs of the two resistors) close to the same length, you
won't get reflections, and the DCM will remove the skew so that the
rising edge of the clock arrives at the ZBT around the same time as the
rising edge occurs inside the FPGA.

As another poster mentioned, if you use external feedback, Xilinx
recommends (or used to) that you hold the second DCM in reset for a long
while so that the clock has time to propagate off chip and back into the
feedback pin.

As for how you can compare the output clocks of the two, do you really
need to? What you care about is alignment of the ZBT clock and the
address or data bus transitions coming from the FPGA (which are a
function of the internal clock).

Good luck,


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