wholesaler of Nike Jordan and Other Shoes in China. We are a
professional exporting company in china. We supply many kinds of
Shoes, such as Nike Shoes, Jordan 1-23, Air Jordan, AF1, DUNK, Air max
series etc. Most of them are in stock and can be supplied surely on
time. All these shoes are packed with original-boxes and cards <FONT
color=#ff0000><U>our price $33jordan shoes,$15tshirt,15sunglasess,
$13cap,$33jean,$35bag <BR></U></FONT><BR>our website: <BR><A
href="http://www.vipmalls.com/"><STRONG><FONT size=4>HTTP://
WWW.VIPMALLS.COM</FONT> </STRONG></A><br><A <A href="http://
www.vipmalls.com/"><STRONG><FONT href="http://www.vipmalls.com/"><IMG
src=" http://lh6.ggpht.com/__edddoN6LK8/SbqAsL6zcNI/AAAAAAAAA_E/Rl7Jt7Uds_A/s800/ghostfaions.JPG
"> </A>
wholesaler of Nike Jordan and Other Shoes in China. We are a
professional exporting company in china. We supply many kinds of
Shoes, such as Nike Shoes, Jordan 1-23, Air Jordan, AF1, DUNK, Air max
series etc. Most of them are in stock and can be supplied surely on
time. All these shoes are packed with original-boxes and cards <FONT
color=#ff0000><U>our price $33jordan shoes,$15tshirt,15sunglasess,
$13cap,$33jean,$35bag <BR></U></FONT><BR>our website: <BR><A
href="http://www.vipmalls.com/"><STRONG><FONT size=4>HTTP://
WWW.VIPMALLS.COM</FONT> </STRONG></A><br><A <A href="http://
www.vipmalls.com/"><STRONG><FONT href="http://www.vipmalls.com/"><IMG
src=" http://lh6.ggpht.com/__edddoN6LK8/SbqAsL6zcNI/AAAAAAAAA_E/Rl7Jt7Uds_A/s800/ghostfaions.JPG
"> </A>