Video capture requirement


Mark Kelepouris

Hi group,

I need a simple solution for the taking of a single snapshot of reasonable
res. video or digital cam, so it be viewed on a PC (full screen) until the
next snapshot is taken.
I plan to trigger the snap by an external source.
The snaps may be as often as one sec. apart, and don't need to be saved to
I realize some software may need to be written and that Firewire or USB2
will be needed to capture.

Thanks for any help one can offer.

Mark Kelepouris
"Mark Kelepouris" <> wrote in message
Hi group,

I need a simple solution for the taking of a single snapshot of reasonable
res. video or digital cam, so it be viewed on a PC (full screen) until the
next snapshot is taken.
I plan to trigger the snap by an external source.
The snaps may be as often as one sec. apart, and don't need to be saved to
I realize some software may need to be written and that Firewire or USB2
will be needed to capture.

Thanks for any help one can offer.

Mark Kelepouris

Hunt on Tucows or a similar site for the software. There's numerous examples
of this application, some freeware some not, all with trial periods.


"Mark Kelepouris" <> wrote in message
Hi group,

I need a simple solution for the taking of a single snapshot of reasonable
res. video or digital cam, so it be viewed on a PC (full screen) until the
next snapshot is taken.
I plan to trigger the snap by an external source.
The snaps may be as often as one sec. apart, and don't need to be saved to
I realize some software may need to be written and that Firewire or USB2
will be needed to capture.
I'm doing all of this for a dental app I've written. It captures still
images triggered from an external source (footswitch) using DirectShow via
usb, capture card or firewire. I couldn't do it for free but the number of
hours would be minimal to get some custom software written with your choice
of external trigger. Let me know if you're interested.

Not sure if this will be helpful, but I had a somewhat similar setup but
using a webcam. The software I used allowed monitoring, plus would take
shots at specified intervals, or would take either shots or a movie when a
person etc entered the field of view


Mark Kelepouris wrote:

Hi group,

I need a simple solution for the taking of a single snapshot of reasonable
res. video or digital cam, so it be viewed on a PC (full screen) until the
next snapshot is taken.
I plan to trigger the snap by an external source.
The snaps may be as often as one sec. apart, and don't need to be saved to
I realize some software may need to be written and that Firewire or USB2
will be needed to capture.

Thanks for any help one can offer.

Mark Kelepouris
"Michael C" <> wrote in message
"Mark Kelepouris" <> wrote in message
Hi group,

I need a simple solution for the taking of a single snapshot of
reasonable res. video or digital cam, so it be viewed on a PC (full
screen) until the next snapshot is taken.
I plan to trigger the snap by an external source.
The snaps may be as often as one sec. apart, and don't need to be saved
to disk.
I realize some software may need to be written and that Firewire or USB2
will be needed to capture.

I'm doing all of this for a dental app I've written. It captures still
images triggered from an external source (footswitch) using DirectShow via
usb, capture card or firewire. I couldn't do it for free but the number of
hours would be minimal to get some custom software written with your
choice of external trigger. Let me know if you're interested.


G'day Michael,

I am interested to know more about what you have done.
Does your solution only use video as the source or can it be any digital
Either way, it is likely that I would be wanting to use an average video
cam. with its firewire connected to the PC and a simple pulse to the USB
port (from a sensor) when the snap is required. It all comes down to cost
and speed. I need to have 'nearly instant' capture when the pulse is
So which ever is best, is the way I'll go and i'm prepared to pay for
whatever software you need to write.

Looking forward to your reply,

Mark Kelepouris

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