Video/Audio CATV Ground Loop Isolator



Anyone have a schematic for the above? The cheapest one I can
find at retail is $60. I'm looking to build one with the same specs as
the VRD-1FF shown here:

These are fairly complex in the way of having proper bandwidth, phase, and
noise specs. For adjusting and setting up you will need some very
sophisticated bench equipment. A lot of the work that goes in to these types
of units are done by hand, which adds to the cost.

Most manufactures have their own particular design. I would think they would
not give out any information about the design of their circuits, and the
alignment procedures. As for the quality, the Jenson is one of the best in

For our clients we are using Blonder Tongue .
This is a very high end product used in most professional installations. You
will find them even pricier than the Jenson products.

For the price that Jenson are asking, these are worth the money.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Rick" <> wrote in message
Anyone have a schematic for the above? The cheapest one I can
find at retail is $60. I'm looking to build one with the same specs as
the VRD-1FF shown here:

As discussed in another thread, <u>IF</u> your problem is due to the CATV or
antenna ground the cheapest way to fix it is to use an antenna isolator from a
"hot chassis" TV. This would ideally come from a TV that is at least 125 ch.
cable ready, those <u>without</u> seperate UHF terminals.

Your situation might preclude this solution, more detail would help. I think
there is something out there for less than $60.

"Rick" wrote ...
Anyone have a schematic for the above? The cheapest
one I can find at retail is $60. I'm looking to build one
with the same specs as the VRD-1FF shown here:
Lots of cheap people just use a pair of balun
transformers back-to-back. Should cost well
under 1/10th of that price.
Ive used isolators from scrapped TV's for this purpose when the job
involves RF. Both ground and center conductor ae both isolated. These
may work for video as well but I've never tried that. However you can
buy an F version of a DC block at most TV supply places. I think its
simply a capacitor in series with the center conductor. Ground is not
isolated. Ive used those in long video runs with much success. Lenny
Stein, Barlen Electronics.

"Richard Crowley" &lt;; wrote in message news:&lt;;...
"Rick" wrote ...
Anyone have a schematic for the above? The cheapest
one I can find at retail is $60. I'm looking to build one
with the same specs as the VRD-1FF shown here:

Lots of cheap people just use a pair of balun
transformers back-to-back. Should cost well
under 1/10th of that price.

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