I have a tv modulator, ch0 46MHz, and I want to boost its output with a
simple one transistor amp connected to a short antenna so it will transmit
up to about 20 metres. I was thinking of using a 2N3866 in a class C
configuration with a 12v supply. Can someome give me advice on how to select
values or provide a simple circuit so I can do this? I am not sure how to
pick values when using a short antenna of 30 cm. I assume matching
impedances must come into this somehow... I have seen lots of circuits on
the web but they are for much lower frequencies. Thanks Rigg
simple one transistor amp connected to a short antenna so it will transmit
up to about 20 metres. I was thinking of using a 2N3866 in a class C
configuration with a 12v supply. Can someome give me advice on how to select
values or provide a simple circuit so I can do this? I am not sure how to
pick values when using a short antenna of 30 cm. I assume matching
impedances must come into this somehow... I have seen lots of circuits on
the web but they are for much lower frequencies. Thanks Rigg