Andy Botterill
I am trying to do a simulation that has the design described in verilog
and the testbench in VHDL. The simulation compiles and works OK in
ModelSim but gives me problems with Aldec Active-HDL.
Entity "testbench" has been skipped - no difference detected.
Compile Architecture "rtl_not_tb" of Entity "testbench"
Error: ELAB1_0002: The ITF file has an invalide format.
Warning: ELAB1_0026: rtl_not_tb.vhd : (43, 0): There is no default
binding for component "rtl_not".(No entity named "rtl_not" was found).
Top-Level unit detected
Entity => testbench
Compile failure 1 Errors 1 Warnings Analysis time : 0.3
The VHDL testbench is like this :-
-- ModelSim
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity testbench is
F: out std_logic;
A: in std_logic
--- architecture TB_ARCHITECTURE of rtl_not_tb is
architecture rtl_not_tb of testbench is
component rtl_not
F: out std_logic;
A: in std_logic
end component;
signal IN_A : std_logic := '0';
signal OUT_F : std_logic;
process begin
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
end process;
m: rtl_not port map( F=>OUT_F , A=>IN_A );
The verilog design is like this :-
`define PERIOD 100
module rtl_not( F , A);
output F;
input A;
assign F = ~A;
I am novice at VHDL and would appreciate someone giving some ideas as to
what to check. Many thanks in advance.
[ Test engineer trying to understand more about design. ]
Andy Botterill
and the testbench in VHDL. The simulation compiles and works OK in
ModelSim but gives me problems with Aldec Active-HDL.
Entity "testbench" has been skipped - no difference detected.
Compile Architecture "rtl_not_tb" of Entity "testbench"
Error: ELAB1_0002: The ITF file has an invalide format.
Warning: ELAB1_0026: rtl_not_tb.vhd : (43, 0): There is no default
binding for component "rtl_not".(No entity named "rtl_not" was found).
Top-Level unit detected
Entity => testbench
Compile failure 1 Errors 1 Warnings Analysis time : 0.3
The VHDL testbench is like this :-
-- ModelSim
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity testbench is
F: out std_logic;
A: in std_logic
--- architecture TB_ARCHITECTURE of rtl_not_tb is
architecture rtl_not_tb of testbench is
component rtl_not
F: out std_logic;
A: in std_logic
end component;
signal IN_A : std_logic := '0';
signal OUT_F : std_logic;
process begin
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '0'; wait for 100 ns;
IN_A <= '1'; wait for 100 ns;
end process;
m: rtl_not port map( F=>OUT_F , A=>IN_A );
The verilog design is like this :-
`define PERIOD 100
module rtl_not( F , A);
output F;
input A;
assign F = ~A;
I am novice at VHDL and would appreciate someone giving some ideas as to
what to check. Many thanks in advance.
[ Test engineer trying to understand more about design. ]
Andy Botterill