vhdl source cross-referencing tool


geoffrey wall

Is anyone aware of a software package that can cross reference vhdl language
components and
instantiations of those components?
For instance if I see a name of something in a piece of code and I don't
know where it is defined (or what it does)
I can then click on that name and be linked to the code where it is defined.
another thing that would be helpful is some kind of graphical hierarchy of
entities, components
and the like (I don't mean a schematic). something like what is available in
visual c++ and other
software design entry tools where object oriented concepts/relationships can
be represented graphically.
I am dealing with a large set of unfamiliar vhdl with alot of component
hierchies. I'd like to quickly understand
and parse through this code with some kind of tool like i have described


Geoffrey Wall
Masters Student in Electrical/Computer Engineering
Florida State University, FAMU/FSU College of Engineering
Cell Phone:

ECE Machine Intelligence Lab
MIL Office Phone:

Center for Applied Vision and Imaging Science
CAVIS Office Phone:
Compile it and use the simulator to trace your hierarchy.

If you have additional $$ see http://www.stelartools.com/

Is anyone aware of a software package that can cross reference vhdl language
components and
instantiations of those components?
For instance if I see a name of something in a piece of code and I don't
know where it is defined (or what it does)
I can then click on that name and be linked to the code where it is defined.
another thing that would be helpful is some kind of graphical hierarchy of
entities, components
and the like (I don't mean a schematic). something like what is available in
visual c++ and other
software design entry tools where object oriented concepts/relationships can
be represented graphically.
I am dealing with a large set of unfamiliar vhdl with alot of component
hierchies. I'd like to quickly understand
and parse through this code with some kind of tool like i have described


Jim Lewis
Director of Training mailto:Jim@SynthWorks.com
SynthWorks Design Inc. http://www.SynthWorks.com

Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification
geoffrey wall wrote:
Is anyone aware of a software package that can cross reference vhdl language
components and
instantiations of those components?

-- Mike Treseler
"source insight" works... see: http://www.sourceinsight.com/
VHDLDOC might do the job:

Debussy tool may help you in this regard.

geoffrey wall wrote:
Is anyone aware of a software package that can cross reference vhdl language
components and
instantiations of those components?
For instance if I see a name of something in a piece of code and I don't
know where it is defined (or what it does)
I can then click on that name and be linked to the code where it is defined.
another thing that would be helpful is some kind of graphical hierarchy of
entities, components
and the like (I don't mean a schematic). something like what is available in
visual c++ and other
software design entry tools where object oriented concepts/relationships can
be represented graphically.
I am dealing with a large set of unfamiliar vhdl with alot of component
hierchies. I'd like to quickly understand
and parse through this code with some kind of tool like i have described


Geoffrey Wall
Masters Student in Electrical/Computer Engineering
Florida State University, FAMU/FSU College of Engineering
Cell Phone:

ECE Machine Intelligence Lab
MIL Office Phone:

Center for Applied Vision and Imaging Science
CAVIS Office Phone:
You can use VIM - the free editor.
The VIM has a tag feature to jump to a component, package, signal
declaration or a procedure/function.
VIM has a plugin called project.vim which when combined with tags is
extremely powerful.
To use tags feature, you need to create a file which defines the
relation between
tag and where it is present.
I have got a perl script which can create such file for you.

The good part about this is, it is free.
The bad part is it takes some time to learn.

Shankar (shankar@txc.stpn.soft.net)
Which simulator do you use? I use VCS-MX and its new front-end DVE
can do this quite well. You double-click on the module/entity name and
it takes you to the definition.


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