Dear All,
I need to store and process 88 data(each is 8 bits), I use two
dimensional array to define a new data type. My questions are:
1. Is 2-D array synthesizable ?
2. I can't use downto with 2-D array ? such as the followings, which
results in syntax error.
type ChipBuffer is array (0 to 87) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
singal ,ChipBuffer_I2 : ChipBuffer ;
ChipBuffer_I2(87 downto 1) <= ChipBuffer_I1( 86 downto 0);
error: ChipBuffer_I1 can not be used with range downto;
So what can I use to replace the 2-D array in this case ,
Many thanks!
I need to store and process 88 data(each is 8 bits), I use two
dimensional array to define a new data type. My questions are:
1. Is 2-D array synthesizable ?
2. I can't use downto with 2-D array ? such as the followings, which
results in syntax error.
type ChipBuffer is array (0 to 87) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
singal ,ChipBuffer_I2 : ChipBuffer ;
ChipBuffer_I2(87 downto 1) <= ChipBuffer_I1( 86 downto 0);
error: ChipBuffer_I1 can not be used with range downto;
So what can I use to replace the 2-D array in this case ,
Many thanks!