VHDL -> PCB netlist ?


Stuart J Adams

Is there a free or low-cost tool available which would
produce a netlist for PCB layout from VHDL ?? (I would
like to specify the board design in VHDL rather than
schematic form)

Is there a free or low-cost tool available which would
produce a netlist for PCB layout from VHDL ?? (I would
like to specify the board design in VHDL rather than
schematic form)
That just doesn't make sense!
Stuart J Adams wrote:
Is there a free or low-cost tool available which would
produce a netlist for PCB layout from VHDL ?? (I would
like to specify the board design in VHDL rather than
schematic form)
I've never used it this way myself (but I've seen Josh do it),
but HDLmaker has some capabilities in this area. The feature
list includes:

* Converts PCB net lists into VHDL and Verilog
* Generates SCALD and PADS PCB board netlists

See http://www.polybus.com/hdlmaker/users_guide/
for details.

-- Dave Tweed

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