My goal is to make a step in my FSM that loops until my counter reaches
it's desired value and then moves to it's next step - however I am
having issues detecting it reaching that desired value. I'm assuming
that something is wrong with my conditional statement. Can you compare
a signal against a constant value in VHDL
signal counter_q: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
when read_del =>
cnt_rst <='0'; -- signal to reset counter - keep low here
if(counter_q(3 downto 0) = "1101") THEN
next_state <= blah;
next_state <= read_del;
end if;
What is the proper way to preform this action?
Thanks in advance
My goal is to make a step in my FSM that loops until my counter reaches
it's desired value and then moves to it's next step - however I am
having issues detecting it reaching that desired value. I'm assuming
that something is wrong with my conditional statement. Can you compare
a signal against a constant value in VHDL
signal counter_q: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
when read_del =>
cnt_rst <='0'; -- signal to reset counter - keep low here
if(counter_q(3 downto 0) = "1101") THEN
next_state <= blah;
next_state <= read_del;
end if;
What is the proper way to preform this action?
Thanks in advance