I'm very new to VHDL and have tried to research a fair amount before
asking if VHDL has the equivalent of a "function pointer type," similar
to the C language.
For example, if I have this code (code doesn't compile, just trying to
convey an idea):
type sim_entity;
type sim_entity_ptr is access sim_entity;
component sim_entity is
port (In1, In2, In3, In4 : in bit;
Out1, Out2, Out3, Out4 : out bit);
end component sim_entity;
type circuitry_component is record
behavior_model : sim_entity_ptr;
end record;
And later in my architecture code, I decide to do something like this:
use entity sim_entity(whatever);
circuitry_component_ptr.behavior_mode port map (..);
I realize the code above doesn't work and is not even close, I'm trying
to understand if there is an equivalent way to express either function,
procedure or even component pointers.
Thanks in advance,
I'm very new to VHDL and have tried to research a fair amount before
asking if VHDL has the equivalent of a "function pointer type," similar
to the C language.
For example, if I have this code (code doesn't compile, just trying to
convey an idea):
type sim_entity;
type sim_entity_ptr is access sim_entity;
component sim_entity is
port (In1, In2, In3, In4 : in bit;
Out1, Out2, Out3, Out4 : out bit);
end component sim_entity;
type circuitry_component is record
behavior_model : sim_entity_ptr;
end record;
And later in my architecture code, I decide to do something like this:
use entity sim_entity(whatever);
circuitry_component_ptr.behavior_mode port map (..);
I realize the code above doesn't work and is not even close, I'm trying
to understand if there is an equivalent way to express either function,
procedure or even component pointers.
Thanks in advance,