vhdl example for use of external SRAM as a dual ported RAM?


ist there any vhdl example published for use of an external SRAM as a dual
ported RAM?

I imagine a state machine writing a data flow into the RAM,
and a short FIFO for the read path out of the RAM,
and some logic feeding the FIFO and handling the arbitration to the RAM.
Maybe a write FIFO is also necessary.

The RAM has 512k x 8.

Thanks for any hint.

Klaus Hiltrop
<khiltrop@gesytec.de> wrote in message

ist there any vhdl example published for use of an external SRAM as a dual
ported RAM?

I imagine a state machine writing a data flow into the RAM,
and a short FIFO for the read path out of the RAM,
and some logic feeding the FIFO and handling the arbitration to the RAM.
Maybe a write FIFO is also necessary.

The RAM has 512k x 8.

Thanks for any hint.

Klaus Hiltrop

I have found this
which explains a lot but I am still looking for better..

Thank you Christos,

your link finally leads to www.xess.com, a very good source. I did not
find what I am looking for, however, it's also possible I overlooked a
good example.


Indeed in my case the incoming (serial) data stream cannot be interrupted
and needs to put data into RAM immediately.

Because of the serial-parallel conversion there is time to read data for
the other side which wants to get the data out of the RAM, asynchronously
to the in-data-stream.

As I cannot preview when the serial stream sends data or stops, I need to
fill a FIFO at least for the reading side as long as any data is available
in the RAM. writing into RAM and reading from it seems from outside
completely asynchronous.

Maybe I will also need a FIFO for the in-data as the routine/state machine
filling the read-FIFO cannot know when new data-in comes. There is a sort
of arbiter necessary controlling the accesses to the RAM.

A short buffer of this type could be realized inside the FPGA with a dual
ported RAM, however 512k Bytes is too much. In order to keep cost of the
final product low the external RAM should be a usual single port RAM.

I don't know of any specific examples, however it is simply a matter of
scheduling or arbiting access. The simplest set up is to provide access to
your external RAM at twice the required access frequency of either port. On
odd clocks, you allow access from one port, on even clocks access by the other
port (SDRAM requires something more complex of course). Each port will need
its own address logic and data registers to hold the outputs to memory and
later the inputs from memory so that every thing is presented when it is

khiltrop@gesytec.de wrote:


ist there any vhdl example published for use of an external SRAM as a dual
ported RAM?

I imagine a state machine writing a data flow into the RAM,
and a short FIFO for the read path out of the RAM,
and some logic feeding the FIFO and handling the arbitration to the RAM.
Maybe a write FIFO is also necessary.

The RAM has 512k x 8.

Thanks for any hint.

Klaus Hiltrop
--Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930 Fax 401/884-7950
email ray@andraka.com

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