ist there any vhdl example published for use of an external SRAM as a dual
ported RAM?
I imagine a state machine writing a data flow into the RAM,
and a short FIFO for the read path out of the RAM,
and some logic feeding the FIFO and handling the arbitration to the RAM.
Maybe a write FIFO is also necessary.
The RAM has 512k x 8.
Thanks for any hint.
Klaus Hiltrop
ist there any vhdl example published for use of an external SRAM as a dual
ported RAM?
I imagine a state machine writing a data flow into the RAM,
and a short FIFO for the read path out of the RAM,
and some logic feeding the FIFO and handling the arbitration to the RAM.
Maybe a write FIFO is also necessary.
The RAM has 512k x 8.
Thanks for any hint.
Klaus Hiltrop