VHDL 200X....when?


My Name

When should we realistically expect to see VHDL 200X incorporated into
some of our EDA tools? 1-2 years? 3-5 years? does anyone out there have
a feel for this?

Just curious where we're at.
My Name wrote:
When should we realistically expect to see VHDL 200X incorporated into
some of our EDA tools? 1-2 years? 3-5 years? does anyone out there have
a feel for this?

Just curious where we're at.
Your guess is as good as mine. We have passed things off to Accellera
now. As a DASC committee we can't really have money, and LRM editing
cost money.

If the money comes through (and some already has) and the new committee
doesn't drop the ball, then you should be seeing something soon.



For the latest news:
hopefully something concrete around 2007, but thats my guess!
hopefully something concrete around 2007, but thats my guess!
My expectation is that we should see new features standardized
and implemented sometime in 2006.

My Rationale:
The IEEE process is largely controlled by benevolent experts.
The experts make the standards. The vendors then wait to see
what the users are interested in and implement those.

The process in Accellera is a little different.
In Accellera, users set the priorities of what gets done
and what does not get done. Hence, EDA vendors will have
a high degree confidence that the Accellera implemented
features have high user priority and hence may actually
implement them ahead of the standards finalization process
(similar to how they did with System Verilog).

Best Regards,
Jim Lewis
Director of Training mailto:Jim@SynthWorks.com
SynthWorks Design Inc. http://www.SynthWorks.com

Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification

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