I am an electronics student and pretty new in FPGAs' use.
I am interested in to send images to a monitor from the FPGA.
I have already performed a test using the Spartan 3 xilinx board based o
an example I found at the Internet and it worked perfectly. Now I am tryin
to translate the same example to the ML405 xilinx board, however it doesn'
work correctly.
I wonder if someone could give me a hand to solve this problem. I add m
vhdl code and ucf file
library IEEE;
---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity top is
port(clk100_in : in std_logic;
red_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
green_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
blue_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
hs_out : out std_logic;
vs_out : out std_logic);
end top;
architecture Behavioral of top is
signal clk25 : std_logic;
signal clk50 : std_logic;
signal hcounter : integer range 0 to 800;
signal vcounter : integer range 0 to 521;
signal color: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- generate a 50Mhz clock
process (clk100_in)
if clk100_in'event and clk100_in='1' then
clk50 <= not clk50;
end if;
end process;
-- generate a 55Mhz clock
process (clk50)
if clk50'event and clk50='1' then
clk25 <= not clk25;
end if;
end process;
-- change color every one second
p1: process (clk25)
variable cnt: integer;
if clk25'event and clk25='1' then
cnt := cnt + 1;
if cnt = 25000000 then
color <= color + "001";
cnt := 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
p2: process (clk25, hcounter, vcounter)
variable x: integer range 0 to 639;
variable y: integer range 0 to 479;
-- hcounter counts from 0 to 799
-- vcounter counts from 0 to 520
-- x coordinate: 0 - 639 (x = hcounter - 144, i.e., hcounter -Tpw-Tbp)
-- y coordinate: 0 - 479 (y = vcounter - 31, i.e., vcounter-Tpw-Tbp)
x := hcounter - 144;
y := vcounter - 31;
if clk25'event and clk25 = '1' then
-- To draw a pixel in (x0, y0), simply test if the ray trace to it
-- and set its color to any value between 1 to 7. The following exampl
simply sets
-- the whole display area to a single-color wash, which is changed ever
-- second.
if x < 640 and y < 480 then
-- red_out <= "0000" & color(0);
-- green_out<= "0000" & color(1);
-- blue_out <= "0000" & color(2);
red_out <= "11111";
green_out<= "11111";
blue_out <= "11111";
-- if not traced, set it to "black" color
red_out <= "00000";
green_out<= "00000";
blue_out <= "00000";
end if;
-- Here is the timing for horizontal synchronization.
-- (Refer to p. 24, Xilinx, Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board User Guide)
-- Pulse width: Tpw = 96 cycles @ 25 MHz
-- Back porch: Tbp = 48 cycles
-- Display time: Tdisp = 640 cycles
-- Front porch: Tfp = 16 cycles
-- Sync pulse time (total cycles) Ts = 800 cycles
if hcounter > 0 and hcounter < 97 then
hs_out <= '0';
hs_out <= '1';
end if;
-- Here is the timing for vertical synchronization.
-- (Refer to p. 24, Xilinx, Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board User Guide)
-- Pulse width: Tpw = 1600 cycles (2 lines) @ 25 MHz
-- Back porch: Tbp = 23200 cycles (29 lines)
-- Display time: Tdisp = 38400 cycles (480 lines)
-- Front porch: Tfp = 8000 cycles (10 lines)
-- Sync pulse time (total cycles) Ts = 416800 cycles (521 lines)
if vcounter > 0 and vcounter < 3 then
vs_out <= '0';
vs_out <= '1';
end if;
-- horizontal counts from 0 to 799
hcounter <= hcounter+1;
if hcounter = 800 then
vcounter <= vcounter+1;
hcounter <= 0;
end if;
-- vertical counts from 0 to 519
if vcounter = 521 then
vcounter <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behavioral;
Net "clk100_in" Loc = "AB14";
# Viretex-4 VGA P2 Port:
# LOC = R6; #VGA_R0
# LOC = R7; #VGA_R1
#NET red_out<0> LOC = P9; #VGA_R2
NET red_out<0> LOC = F3; #VGA_R3
NET red_out<1> LOC = H7; #VGA_R4
NET red_out<2> LOC = E3; #VGA_R5
NET red_out<3> LOC = G5; #VGA_R6
NET red_out<4> LOC = D3; #VGA_R7
# drive strength and speed for VGA
NET red_out<*> SLEW = FAST;
NET red_out<*> DRIVE = 8;
# LOC = N9; #VGA_G0
# LOC = N6; #VGA_G1
#NET green_out<0> LOC = P6; # VGA_G2
NET green_out<0> LOC = J3; # VGA_G3
NET green_out<1> LOC = K7; # VGA_G4
NET green_out<2> LOC = K3; # VGA_G5
NET green_out<3> LOC = G10; # VGA_G6
NET green_out<4> LOC = K6; # VGA_G7
# drive strength and speed for VGA
NET green_out<*> SLEW = FAST;
NET green_out<*> DRIVE = 8;
# LOC = P10; #VGA_B0
# LOC = P11; #VGA_B1
#NET blue_out<0> LOC = P8; # VGA_B2
NET blue_out<0> LOC = F4; # VGA_B3
NET blue_out<1> LOC = J4; # VGA_B4
NET blue_out<2> LOC = G9; # VGA_B5
NET blue_out<3> LOC = J5; # VGA_B6
NET blue_out<4> LOC = H3; # VGA_B7
# drive strength and speed for VGA
NET blue_out<*> SLEW = FAST;
NET blue_out<*> DRIVE = 8;
NET clk25 LOC = AC7; #VGA_CLK
NET clk25 SLEW = FAST;
NET clk25 DRIVE = 8;
NET hs_out LOC = C3; #HSYNC
NET hs_out SLEW = FAST;
NET hs_out DRIVE = 8;
NET vs_out LOC = D4; #VSYNC
NET vs_out SLEW = FAST;
NET vs_out DRIVE = 8;
I am interested in to send images to a monitor from the FPGA.
I have already performed a test using the Spartan 3 xilinx board based o
an example I found at the Internet and it worked perfectly. Now I am tryin
to translate the same example to the ML405 xilinx board, however it doesn'
work correctly.
I wonder if someone could give me a hand to solve this problem. I add m
vhdl code and ucf file
library IEEE;
---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity top is
port(clk100_in : in std_logic;
red_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
green_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
blue_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
hs_out : out std_logic;
vs_out : out std_logic);
end top;
architecture Behavioral of top is
signal clk25 : std_logic;
signal clk50 : std_logic;
signal hcounter : integer range 0 to 800;
signal vcounter : integer range 0 to 521;
signal color: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- generate a 50Mhz clock
process (clk100_in)
if clk100_in'event and clk100_in='1' then
clk50 <= not clk50;
end if;
end process;
-- generate a 55Mhz clock
process (clk50)
if clk50'event and clk50='1' then
clk25 <= not clk25;
end if;
end process;
-- change color every one second
p1: process (clk25)
variable cnt: integer;
if clk25'event and clk25='1' then
cnt := cnt + 1;
if cnt = 25000000 then
color <= color + "001";
cnt := 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
p2: process (clk25, hcounter, vcounter)
variable x: integer range 0 to 639;
variable y: integer range 0 to 479;
-- hcounter counts from 0 to 799
-- vcounter counts from 0 to 520
-- x coordinate: 0 - 639 (x = hcounter - 144, i.e., hcounter -Tpw-Tbp)
-- y coordinate: 0 - 479 (y = vcounter - 31, i.e., vcounter-Tpw-Tbp)
x := hcounter - 144;
y := vcounter - 31;
if clk25'event and clk25 = '1' then
-- To draw a pixel in (x0, y0), simply test if the ray trace to it
-- and set its color to any value between 1 to 7. The following exampl
simply sets
-- the whole display area to a single-color wash, which is changed ever
-- second.
if x < 640 and y < 480 then
-- red_out <= "0000" & color(0);
-- green_out<= "0000" & color(1);
-- blue_out <= "0000" & color(2);
red_out <= "11111";
green_out<= "11111";
blue_out <= "11111";
-- if not traced, set it to "black" color
red_out <= "00000";
green_out<= "00000";
blue_out <= "00000";
end if;
-- Here is the timing for horizontal synchronization.
-- (Refer to p. 24, Xilinx, Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board User Guide)
-- Pulse width: Tpw = 96 cycles @ 25 MHz
-- Back porch: Tbp = 48 cycles
-- Display time: Tdisp = 640 cycles
-- Front porch: Tfp = 16 cycles
-- Sync pulse time (total cycles) Ts = 800 cycles
if hcounter > 0 and hcounter < 97 then
hs_out <= '0';
hs_out <= '1';
end if;
-- Here is the timing for vertical synchronization.
-- (Refer to p. 24, Xilinx, Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board User Guide)
-- Pulse width: Tpw = 1600 cycles (2 lines) @ 25 MHz
-- Back porch: Tbp = 23200 cycles (29 lines)
-- Display time: Tdisp = 38400 cycles (480 lines)
-- Front porch: Tfp = 8000 cycles (10 lines)
-- Sync pulse time (total cycles) Ts = 416800 cycles (521 lines)
if vcounter > 0 and vcounter < 3 then
vs_out <= '0';
vs_out <= '1';
end if;
-- horizontal counts from 0 to 799
hcounter <= hcounter+1;
if hcounter = 800 then
vcounter <= vcounter+1;
hcounter <= 0;
end if;
-- vertical counts from 0 to 519
if vcounter = 521 then
vcounter <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behavioral;
Net "clk100_in" Loc = "AB14";
# Viretex-4 VGA P2 Port:
# LOC = R6; #VGA_R0
# LOC = R7; #VGA_R1
#NET red_out<0> LOC = P9; #VGA_R2
NET red_out<0> LOC = F3; #VGA_R3
NET red_out<1> LOC = H7; #VGA_R4
NET red_out<2> LOC = E3; #VGA_R5
NET red_out<3> LOC = G5; #VGA_R6
NET red_out<4> LOC = D3; #VGA_R7
# drive strength and speed for VGA
NET red_out<*> SLEW = FAST;
NET red_out<*> DRIVE = 8;
# LOC = N9; #VGA_G0
# LOC = N6; #VGA_G1
#NET green_out<0> LOC = P6; # VGA_G2
NET green_out<0> LOC = J3; # VGA_G3
NET green_out<1> LOC = K7; # VGA_G4
NET green_out<2> LOC = K3; # VGA_G5
NET green_out<3> LOC = G10; # VGA_G6
NET green_out<4> LOC = K6; # VGA_G7
# drive strength and speed for VGA
NET green_out<*> SLEW = FAST;
NET green_out<*> DRIVE = 8;
# LOC = P10; #VGA_B0
# LOC = P11; #VGA_B1
#NET blue_out<0> LOC = P8; # VGA_B2
NET blue_out<0> LOC = F4; # VGA_B3
NET blue_out<1> LOC = J4; # VGA_B4
NET blue_out<2> LOC = G9; # VGA_B5
NET blue_out<3> LOC = J5; # VGA_B6
NET blue_out<4> LOC = H3; # VGA_B7
# drive strength and speed for VGA
NET blue_out<*> SLEW = FAST;
NET blue_out<*> DRIVE = 8;
NET clk25 LOC = AC7; #VGA_CLK
NET clk25 SLEW = FAST;
NET clk25 DRIVE = 8;
NET hs_out LOC = C3; #HSYNC
NET hs_out SLEW = FAST;
NET hs_out DRIVE = 8;
NET vs_out LOC = D4; #VSYNC
NET vs_out SLEW = FAST;
NET vs_out DRIVE = 8;