was intermittently failing to power up , now no power up.
mohmeter reads 0.13 ohm +/- 0.01, loading the 5V rail to ground on the main
board, HD etc disconnected. Not any of the 10 electrolytics or a power 3
lead SM device. What to try next , monitoring the 0.13 ohm while flexing the
board. ? Powering with a current limited bench power supply set at 5V ? oh
for an IR camera for a piece of test gear.
If the big BGA chip gets hot, then a chuckit job.
mohmeter reads 0.13 ohm +/- 0.01, loading the 5V rail to ground on the main
board, HD etc disconnected. Not any of the 10 electrolytics or a power 3
lead SM device. What to try next , monitoring the 0.13 ohm while flexing the
board. ? Powering with a current limited bench power supply set at 5V ? oh
for an IR camera for a piece of test gear.
If the big BGA chip gets hot, then a chuckit job.