1) Voltage---------WWWWW(resistor)----------Switch--------ground
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2) Voltage---------WWWWW(resistor)----------Transistor-----ground
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LED1 LED2 Base Input
The above two circuits are supposed to represent the same circuit, where
a transistor is used in circuit 2 in place of the mechanical switch in
circuit 1. The circuits are discussed at this web page:
When the switch is open, both LED's are supposed to light up, meaning
there is both a voltage and current across them. When the switches are
closed (or there is satisfactory input at the transistor's base), LED1
lights up, but LED2 does not. Understanding why this happens seems
pretty critical to understanding how basic logic gates work. Can someone
please explain this to me? Is it because closing the switch causes high
current to flow through the resistor, such that the voltage drop across
that resistor is so high that there is not enough voltage to the LED2 to
light it up? I really appreciate anyone's help.
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2) Voltage---------WWWWW(resistor)----------Transistor-----ground
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LED1 LED2 Base Input
The above two circuits are supposed to represent the same circuit, where
a transistor is used in circuit 2 in place of the mechanical switch in
circuit 1. The circuits are discussed at this web page:
When the switch is open, both LED's are supposed to light up, meaning
there is both a voltage and current across them. When the switches are
closed (or there is satisfactory input at the transistor's base), LED1
lights up, but LED2 does not. Understanding why this happens seems
pretty critical to understanding how basic logic gates work. Can someone
please explain this to me? Is it because closing the switch causes high
current to flow through the resistor, such that the voltage drop across
that resistor is so high that there is not enough voltage to the LED2 to
light it up? I really appreciate anyone's help.