vertical problem with a Toshiba cx32630


Ian V

I have a vertical problem with a Toshiba cx32630 t.v.

it has a stretched top half and slightly compressed bottom, all caps and
vert I.C. has been changed. voltages o.k. drive seems o.k.

does it have a hidden menu for heigth and lin.? as it has no controls

Thanks in advanced.
Ian V:
You probably missed a cap or two...... usually there is a small 1uf @ 50 V
unit near the jungle chip.... about 4 or 5 inches away from the vertical
deflection circuitry.... this cap may be red or green ..... and will have
the same numbering as the other caps in the vertical deflection circuitry
.... i.e. c3xx or similar. There may be others you missed..... inspect the
board carefully.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair

"Ian V" <> wrote in message
I have a vertical problem with a Toshiba cx32630 t.v.

it has a stretched top half and slightly compressed bottom, all caps and
vert I.C. has been changed. voltages o.k. drive seems o.k.

does it have a hidden menu for heigth and lin.? as it has no controls

Thanks in advanced.
I've been lurking here 'cuz I have the exact same symptom on vertical --
Toshiba NTSC, US, set (circa ~1992) .

Shrinking vert size and vert lin greater than 2:1 top to bot. Faster
(stretched) on top...

Didn't bring the model # here, but this one DOES have two rear
screwdriver controls. Brightness and one which is either vert size or vert
lin - can't tell with the problem, changes both size & lin, but it won't
correct it.

Opened it and vacuumed it out. Since the deflection coil wires all go
to the same area on the main board, it wasn't clear which were vert nor
which / where was the vert output device. Didn't do anything other than
(all too brief) visual. All the pots only have "R" numbers, no functional
labels :)-(

All the other pot are on daughter boards anyway - I only saw those two on
the main board accessible out the rear.

I have a very good scope & dot bar gen.

BTW I haven't worked on TVs since tubes...

Sounds like this is usually caps, no?

A little hand holding about what is in these puppies would be appreciated.

.. " jungle chip"? . how to know which is it?

.. " same numbering as the other caps in the vertical deflection circuitry
.... i.e. c3xx or similar.." So part number prefix is the way to locate
parts in same circuit?

Can a body get info - schematics / layouts / phone help / web info easily?
Or is a buckshot (change all the caps in the vert circuit ) approach

'nuther issue... or two

BTW - It does, at times, have trouble "locking" on a higher channel. I
assume this may be a VCO control line hitting the rail problem. If you
creep up on it one channel at a time it'll lock, but going 'round the other
way, from chan 2 to 50 can sometimes just get noise.

Oh yea - Though not important, the on screen clock NEVER kept good time, but
it was the wrong way for what you might think is a 50 / 60 Hz jumper error
(I'm 60 Hz & it runs slow)... weird. How-zit get its timing?

Steve N, K,9;d, c. i My email has no u's.

"Sofie" <> wrote in message
Ian V:
You probably missed a cap or two...... usually there is a small 1uf @ 50
unit near the jungle chip.... about 4 or 5 inches away from the vertical
deflection circuitry.... this cap may be red or green ..... and will
the same numbering as the other caps in the vertical deflection circuitry
... i.e. c3xx or similar. There may be others you missed..... inspect
board carefully.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair

"Ian V" <> wrote in message
I have a vertical problem with a Toshiba cx32630 t.v.

it has a stretched top half and slightly compressed bottom, all caps and
vert I.C. has been changed. voltages o.k. drive seems o.k.

does it have a hidden menu for heigth and lin.? as it has no controls

Thanks in advanced.
Ian V & Steve Nosko:

Do NOT try to make adjustments to compensate for component failures and
circuitry faults..... not only will the results be LESS than satisfactory
but the circuitry will be stressed by the failing components and will
finally result in a much higher price repair bill and more elaborate repair
procedure with more replacement parts.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
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Sorry if it sounded that way, but I didn't intend to imply that I was trying
to adjust it out of failure. I was trying to provide what information I
could to help any potential helper to understand what the set is and
therefore provide more meaningful feedback instead of a general buckshot
approach and to avoide the all too common "you don't give enough informatin
for us to help you" response.
I know something is going bad and would appreciate some guidance,
suggestionsd and/or information, as stated, on the newer hardware.
Steve N, K,9;d, c. i My email has no u's.

"Sofie" <> wrote in message
Ian V & Steve Nosko:

Do NOT try to make adjustments to compensate for component failures > --
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
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