Vertical Dimensioning in PCB



Boy, I don't mean to be a pain, but I've exhausted all help
references......Horizontal dimensioning - no problem, however, I can't
seem to place vertical dimensons on my PCB. The help files refer only
to CAMtastic.....

And since I am here, I have another question: I have placed and locked
desired components, but is there a way I can "suggest" placement of
other components, allowing them to be nudged or moved accordingly when

I am in your debt.

What software are you using, P99SE or DXP? I think you
mentioned it before but I don't recall.
Assuming P99SE, I think that you are expecting too much from
the software. The "Auto Placement" is horrible and nearly useless
in 98% of all cases. e.i. I would be surprised if it did anything
usable from my experience but I have heard slightly better
comments from others.
The "Autorouter" will not move components, you have to do
that manually and then re-run the autorouter.

Now DXP may be a little different, I just don't know since I
have never used it.

Dimensioning, typically I don't use the Protel's dimensioning
tool so I have no experience with either Protel's nor Camtastic's
dimension tools. I usually export the board to ACAD, do the
dimensioning and then import just the dimensions back into the
Protel database. If you know ACAD, it is 10 times faster and
easier. Looks better (read more professional) too, Protel's
dimensioning looks like an elementary art student's work compared
to a Art School graduate.
Brad Velander

"Ivan" <> wrote in message
Boy, I don't mean to be a pain, but I've exhausted all help
references......Horizontal dimensioning - no problem, however,
I can't
seem to place vertical dimensons on my PCB. The help files
refer only
to CAMtastic.....

And since I am here, I have another question: I have placed and
desired components, but is there a way I can "suggest"
placement of
other components, allowing them to be nudged or moved
accordingly when

I am in your debt.


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