Cornel Arnet
Hi there,
I'm trying to synthesize wb_dma (opencores.org) from the Xilinx
Project Navigator 6.2.03i. It's the first time that I'm using Verilog
and the Xilinx tools (I've got some experience with VHDL and Altera
tools though).
XST yields the following error:
ERROR:Xst:1468 - wb_dma_ch_pri_enc.v line 377: Unexpected event in
always block sensitivity list.
and refers to:
377> always @(pri_sel or pri_out0 or pri_out1 or pri_out2)
378 case(pri_sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
379 2'd0: pri_out = pri_out0;
380 2'd1: pri_out = pri_out1;
381 2'd2: pri_out = pri_out2;
382 endcase
There's something wrong with my preferences I guess...thanks.
I'm trying to synthesize wb_dma (opencores.org) from the Xilinx
Project Navigator 6.2.03i. It's the first time that I'm using Verilog
and the Xilinx tools (I've got some experience with VHDL and Altera
tools though).
XST yields the following error:
ERROR:Xst:1468 - wb_dma_ch_pri_enc.v line 377: Unexpected event in
always block sensitivity list.
and refers to:
377> always @(pri_sel or pri_out0 or pri_out1 or pri_out2)
378 case(pri_sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
379 2'd0: pri_out = pri_out0;
380 2'd1: pri_out = pri_out1;
381 2'd2: pri_out = pri_out2;
382 endcase
There's something wrong with my preferences I guess...thanks.