Steve Pope
My apologies if this question is covered in an FAQ.
What (low cost, hopefully) products are available for simluating
Verilog for lightweight or medium-weight usage?
As a point of reference, I still have a copy of Veriwell
I purchased nine years ago, which would be suitable except
it is not up-to-date on language extensions since then.
So I'm looking for a similar, current product, for
either Windows, Linux, or both.
Thanks much
What (low cost, hopefully) products are available for simluating
Verilog for lightweight or medium-weight usage?
As a point of reference, I still have a copy of Veriwell
I purchased nine years ago, which would be suitable except
it is not up-to-date on language extensions since then.
So I'm looking for a similar, current product, for
either Windows, Linux, or both.
Thanks much