Verilog simulator marketshare



I've read John Cooley's 2007 DAC-survey report, and the respondents
to his survey show a great decline in Modelsim usage (as well as Synopsys
gaining the leadership position.)

Has Modelsim's marketshare really fallen that much? Or has it just
'migrated' from ASIC-design to FPGA design? I see Altera and Xilinx
both offering special (crippled) editions of Modelsim for FPGA
simulation and development.
On Wed, 27 Jun 2007 02:46:04 GMT, mitshek <> wrote:
I've read John Cooley's 2007 DAC-survey report, and the respondents
to his survey show a great decline in Modelsim usage (as well as Synopsys
gaining the leadership position.)

Has Modelsim's marketshare really fallen that much? Or has it just
'migrated' from ASIC-design to FPGA design? I see Altera and Xilinx
both offering special (crippled) editions of Modelsim for FPGA
simulation and development.
I don't understand. Are you referring to

which shows ModelSim's mindshare _increasing_ from 35% in 2005 to 35.3%
in 2007? The same pages shows Synopsys gaining some ground, and Cadence
losing a bit.

A bientot
(Not speaking for Mentor Graphics)
mitshek wrote:
I've read John Cooley's 2007 DAC-survey report, and the respondents
to his survey show a great decline in Modelsim usage (as well as Synopsys
gaining the leadership position.)
Keep in mind, that is a survey of Synopsys users.

Has Modelsim's marketshare really fallen that much? Or has it just
'migrated' from ASIC-design to FPGA design?
It has always been top dog for fpgas,
just as synopsys has been for asics

I see Altera and Xilinx
both offering special (crippled) editions of Modelsim for FPGA
simulation and development.
Anyone doing serious hdl devlopment
need an hdl simulator.

-- Mike Treseler

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