Debbie Unger
Let me guess.From: morteza (m_mosazadeh_urmia@yahoo.com)
Subject: verilog problem
Newsgroups: comp.lang.verilog
Date: 2004-06-12 04:16:59 PST
I want to model large memories in verilog.But you know that for
modeling for example 1M RAM memory about 32M in system is requierd.
so it will be fine if we could model the RAM elements in PLI.
can anyone help me for writing or finding such PLI?
- You stole the software.
- But you don't know how to use it.
- So you ask legitimate users to help you by providing examples.
This is from the same guy who posts to "alt.crackers":
From: morteza (m_mosazadeh_urmia@yahoo.com)
Subject: hacking passwords
Newsgroups: alt.crackers
Date: 2004-03-11 00:31:21 PST
I want to hack a password. I examined all the ways I knew but I could not.
please show me some new methods.
Thank you...