Hi all,
When I import RTL Verilog HDL in icfb to do an AMS simulation.
I have to declare this
`define IN_WIDTH 3
module test
#(parameter IN_WIDTH = 3)
input [`IN_WIDTH-1:0] data ....
If I do not put the define statement, icfb cannot inmport (unresolved
bus size), it seems to not take into account the by default value 3 of
the parameter IN_WIDTH...
Then when I import with the define statement, I have a correct
functional verilog model and symbol view in icfb BUT it removes in the
functional viwew (the verilog code view) the define statement and I
cannot simulate in AMS setup...
Do you have any idea how to facing this issue ?
When I import RTL Verilog HDL in icfb to do an AMS simulation.
I have to declare this
`define IN_WIDTH 3
module test
#(parameter IN_WIDTH = 3)
input [`IN_WIDTH-1:0] data ....
If I do not put the define statement, icfb cannot inmport (unresolved
bus size), it seems to not take into account the by default value 3 of
the parameter IN_WIDTH...
Then when I import with the define statement, I have a correct
functional verilog model and symbol view in icfb BUT it removes in the
functional viwew (the verilog code view) the define statement and I
cannot simulate in AMS setup...
Do you have any idea how to facing this issue ?